Paeonia 'Wilmington'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [herbaceous hybrid]

WILMINGTON - (William H. Krekler). This is for description in full. Registered Bulletin #223. Seedling # 17Hybrid. A wine red single cup with large petals and a center of light golden stamens, touch of red. Bloom is 4". Height 16", early, compact medium green lacy foliage. Fragrant, pollen and stamens. Rock Garden Series. Klehm Nursery. Bulletin #255. WILMINGTON- (William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), May 1977. Hybrid, bloomed before April 29. Seedling # 178. Small rich red single. Bulletin #223.

WILMINGTON Ideal for the front of the border. A lower growing single bright red with yellow carpels, and stamens changing to red at the base. Healthy deep green foliage. Red single, Early, 40cm.

WILMINGTON Red single, Early, No staking. 40cm. A lower growing single bright red with yellow carpels and stamens changing to red at the base.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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