Attention! Since October 2000 in many of the files with large pictures will appear 2 identical pictures – one on the web and one only on my computer at home. There's nothing wrong with the second file, which you can't see. Its just to make it easier for me to use external webspace and control the results offline.

27.10.2000 New pictures: P. mlokosewitschi & P. veitchii – my own plants after 3 years growth – what a surprise how much they have grown.

25.10.2000 Meine Neuerwerbungen 2000 – was bisher angekommen ist. Scans und Photos der Neupflanzungen und Aussaaten.

New peonies 2000 – what already arrived. Scans and photos of my new plantations.

Pfingstrosensamen. Bilder-Sammlung.

Peonyseeds. A picture-collection.

Qing Long Wo Mo Chi – aus Samen? /Qing Long Wo Mo Chi – from seed?

Die P. ostii-Krankheit – wer kennt sich aus?

The P. ostii- disease- who knows what it is?

24.10.2000 Wurzeln von Pfingstrosen. Eine Bilder-Sammlung mit Anleihen aus der Literatur und vielen eigenen Bildern.

Roots of peonies. A picture-collection.

12.10.2000 Blätter im Herbst/ eine Bildersammlung, die zeigen soll, wie schön (oder problembehaftet) Pfingstrosenlaub am Ende einer Saison sein kann.

Peony-leaves in Fall

10.10.2000 Halda's Seedlist with pictures of the seeds (coll. by J.J. Halda 2000)

02.10.2000 Halda, J. J.: 1997 Systematic treatment of the genus Paeonia L. with some nomenclatoric changes

Halda, J. J.: 1998 Notes on the observation upon the structure of the Paeonia seeds, fruit and Roots

Halda, J. J. & Horacek, L.:1999 New descriptions and combinations

Halda, J. J. Seed List 2000-2001