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hu Amit mások gondolnak erröl a honlapról
The Ultimate Peony Site! ** Carol Adelman, USA from Adelman Peony Gardens
Your web site is the best peony web site on the internet. ** Stephen G. Haw, France, 27 May 2004
An excellent site which must have taken hours to construct. You should be congratulated. ** Peter Fowler UK 25 May 2004
Nagyon tetszik a honlapja, igen sok munkája lehet vele. ** Dr. László Orlóci, Hungary 21 May 2004
Thank you for the work you've done on this wonderful database of peonies. ** Diann Pavelka, USA 20 April 2004
... ist Ihre Seite natürlich spitze. ** Wolfgang Linnemann D, 20 April 2004
Your page is looking good! as always:-) ** Joshua Scholten, NL 21 March 2004
Ich koennte diese Website den ganzen Tag ansehen ** Trudi Halboth-Wosnitza, 5. Nov 2003
Carsten, you have written the peony bible, koran, torah **. Dick Houtenbos, France 16. Juni 2005
thanks for making the best peony-page out there! ** Bjørnar Olsen, Norwegen, 4. July 2005
habe wie immer in ihren Web-Seiten den halben Vormittag verzückt verbracht. Ihr Einsatz für die Pfingstrose ist einfach unübertroffen ! ** Dr.Kurt Mattei, 05.07.2005
Eine tolle Webside: Wenn man nur eine Webside für Päonien braucht - dann Ihre ** Gerhard Stickroth 26.08.2005
Thank you very very much for posting the English translation of Handel-Mazezetti's account of his botanical explorations in Yunnan. I am writing a dissertation about the Lisu in Thailand, who originated from Nujiang. ** Kate Gillogly 9.08.2005
This site is fantastic. ** Karen Kettler, Oregon
It seems Walmart is planning to make a tradition of importing and renaming chinese lactiflora-cultivars after their success with 'Lavender Lady', this years hit was called 'Blue Lagoon'. There was a long discussion at the peony-forum on GardenWeb, I've included some links below **Bjørnar Olsen, Norwegen
I've been to Carsten B's many times. I feel a little bit like Alice in Wonderland falling down the rabbit hole when I log onto _www.paeo.de_ ( . I usually go there to check a peony, then find several more of interest while I'm scrolling down the page on my search, then check them out, then get on to a nursery page, then have to go back to Carsten B's site to investigate the new ones I've discovered at the nursery, and so on, and so on......... What fun! ** Denise, Aylmer, Quebec, 16.10.2005
Elöször is gratulálni szeretnék. Fantasztikus ez a munka amit megcsinált. Már a nyáron megtaláltam a lapját (a "Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia"-t) és már akkor is lenyügözönek találtam, de most nagyon sokat kerestem benne és így most még jobban láttam, hogy milyen elképesztö munka és tudás van benne. Minden elismerésem. Nagyon nagy öröm látni, hogy valaki egy ilyet megcsinál, és egy ilyen munkával való találkozás nekem is mindig eröt ad a saját munkáimhoz. Ezenkívül még a köszönetemet is szeretném kifejezni, mert ez az adatbázis, amit megcsinált, egy egész világot nyitott ki a számomra és azt gondolom, hogy még nagyon sok más ember számára is. A nyáron még még minden "érdek" nélkül raktam el a lapját, csak azért mert annyira szépnek és érdekesnek találtam. Most viszont, amikor ténylegesen kerestem benne, elmondhatatlanul nagy segítség volt a számomra. Azzal, hogy ön egy ilyet megcsinált én összehasonlíthatatlanul jobb kertet tudok csinálni, mint enélkül. Köszönöm. ** Templom Kata, Hungary, 21.01.2006
I am using your excellent website to see if my peonies are correct. Claire Austin Hardy Plants 07.06.2007
Your website is a feast of eyes I spend a whole afternoon on it. I enjoyed it. Thank you. cool.rose China 15.07.2007
I find your website very fabulous and it is the first source for me to look when I have a question about peonies. ** Theo Venne, Holland 13.09.2007
I was amazed at the quality of the photography of the cultivars (black background, well lit, succession of photos from bud through full bloom). It made me want to get one of those huge flat screens that I've always scoffed at. Now I've got a reason to justify it to myself ** Jonathan Knisely, USA 09.09.2007
As far as I know, there is no better registry than Carsten Burkhardt's extensive online list of peonies. The amount of work that went into this list is truly impressive, and it should be known by anyone interested in peonies. We all owe Carsten a debt of gratitude for this list. Robert C. Johnson, Oregon 23.09.2007
THANK YOU Carsten for the stupendous job that you have accomplished with your Peony website. eleanor tickner USA 24.09.2007
I have to put in an enthusiastic support for Bob's words above. EVERYBODY uses Carsten Peony Database. Easy to use, filled with a large variety of points of view and amazingly accurate. I hate to think about the amount of time (and money) it takes to keep this current. We all owe Carsten a big THANK YOU for this International contribution to the peony world. Fortunately Carsten is fanatically enthusiastic, relatively young and dedicated to keeping the quality high. Keep it up.Thanks Carsten. Dr. James W. Waddick, Kansas City 24.09.2007
Having said that I think we should ask the UN to declare it a World Heritage Site so that we never lose it and that future generations can continue the hard work Carsten has put into it. :) Carlos Bega, Canada Wed, 26 Sep 2007
I agree! Vesa Koivu, Finland 27 Sep 2007
Imagine how much time and determination it takes even to maintain this site. Building it and adding to it continuously takes even more time. Carsten makes his living as a dentist using his free time after work and in between the patient visits to create something that every single peony enthusiast is benefiting from. I suggested him once to make a donation corner, so that some of us can show our appreciation by making monetary contributions. He refused. Marina Kasimova, Denmark Wed, 26 Sep 2007
Wenn ich überhaubt etwas über Paeonien weiss, was über mein bischen deutschsprachige Standard-Literatur hinausgeht, dann von Ihrer Webseite. Und wenn man etwas über Paeonien wissen möchte, braucht man nur Ihre Webseite. Weltweit einzigartig. Tobias Bulkow, Müschen, 28.09.2007
I'm hopeful that I've thanked you in previous communications for your great contribution to peony lore. No matter, let me say now that I deeply appreciate your effort, time, and money spent on your website Jim Langhammer USA 12 Nov 2007
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