Paeonia 'Gertrud Allen'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]

GERTRUDE ALLEN (Nicholls-Wild & Son 1958) (N 1378) J.M. White. Two rows of white guard petals, heavy texture, when in full bloom, flare out making a flat flower 9-10" in diameter. Lacy yellow petaloids, pink tipped pistils. Stiff stems. Registered by Gilbert H. Wild & Son. Bulletin #157 December 1957.

Introduced for COL. NICHOLLS BY GILBERT H. WILD AND SON, INC. Gertrud Allen (Nicholls-Wild & Son, 1958) N 1378 – Mid-season. Japanese. White.

Gertrude Allen (Nicholls/Wild & Son 1958) ML.  Anemone; white guard petals surround a center of lemon yellow petalodes, which pass white in sunlight.  Side-buds extend flowering.  Dark green, shining leaflets on a medium-tall, upright bush.  The bright white against dark green imparts a sense of purity.  Seed fertile. 

White, japanese form, midseason, 33" tall, lactiflora cultivar. A double row of white petals surround a glow of yellow with a spot of red in the center

'Gertrude Allen' (USA Nicholls-Wild & Son 1958). In einer weißen Schale befinden sich gelbe, verbreiterte Staubblätter. Die rötlichen Fruchtknoten bilden einen schönen Kontrast dazu. Duft

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