Paeonia 'Marie Jacquin'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]
Paeonia sinensis. Vier hervorragend feine Sorten für Blumenschnitt: |
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Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Single Peonies, page 67 MARIE JACQUIN. (Verdier.) 8.3. Semi-double type; large; midseason. Pale pink, becoming white with creamy tones; big cluster of yellow stamens in the center; very strong, pungent perfume. Medium height; very floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. Considered identical with Bridesmaid (Kelway) and Water Lily (Barr). A very distinct, cupped flower of variable fullness, nearly single on young plants but almost fully double when established and under good cultivation. Normally blooms in clusters which give it great decorative value outdoors, but requires disbudding if specimens are wanted for cutting or show. A very popular and well-liked variety. See color illustration. "To me this is one of the most beautiful peonies."Little. "I do not think a variety should be classified as semi-double in type when it gives double blooms on well-established plants." Saunders. |
MARIE JACQUIN (Verdier) Syn. BRIDESMAID - WATER LILY. Semi-Double - Pink - Midseason. Medium height. Very strong, pungent perfume. Large. Pale pink, becoming white with creamy tones; big clusters of yellow stamens in the center; very floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. A very distinct, cupped flower of variable fullness, nearly single on young plants but almost fully double when established and under good cultivation. Normally blooms in clusters which give it great decorative value outdoors, but requires disbudding if specimens are wanted for cutting or show. |
MARIE JACQUIN Midseason. A combination of white petals and yellow .stamens, often called "Waterlily Peony." |
'Marie Jacquin'/Verdier/ |
This picture is from La Pivoinerie D'Aoust, c.p. 220, Hudson Hts, QC, Canada, J0P 1J0, Phone: 1 450 458-2759 Web: www.paeonia.com email: lindsay.daoust@paeonia.com . For large resolution pictures of this cultivar look in the 'Gallery' of the Heartland Peony Society's Website www.peonies.org . |
MARIE JACQUINE:Also known as Bridesmaid and Waterlily in Europe. Cup shaped blooms resemble a waterlily and start out pink and fade to white. Highly scented with a cluster of side buds allows for a long bloom season. It is a stunning focal point plant in the spring garden. Strong 24" stems. |
plate 24 on page 160: |
Elizabeth Babb on webshots 2005: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |