type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
origination: |
MAHOGANY (Glasscock, 1937) - Single - Deep mahogany. Very early. Hybrid. Large, single, cup-shaped bloom of deep mahogany color. Albiflora x officinalis Otto Froebel. Bulletin 70. List in Bulletin 129. |
Mahogany (Glasscock 1937) EM, Japanese form (looks single and often listed that way, because of the very small and thick staminodes). Intensely pigmented spectrum red petals and very heavy substance make a dramatic flower, in the garden or floral design and on exhibition. Erect, medium height stems, compact bush. Light green foliage holds up well in Midwest summers. |
'Mahogany' (Glasscock 1937) : (lactiflora x peregrina 'Otto Froebel) flr. simple rouge grenat sombre, 90cm, tardive. |
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'Mahagony' Glasscock 1937 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |