type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [rockii-hybrid] - [Gansu mudan]
translation of the name: Pink Lotus |
Osti (1997) Osti (1999) |
FEN HE, «Loto rosa». Anche questa peonia del Gansu è una varietà di P. rockii. Fiore semplice o semidoppio, rosa ma con i petali della prima corona bianchi con unghia porpora. La corona centrale è formata da petali più piccoli, rosati chiari all'estremità che si vanno caricando progressivamente fino a diventare porpora come le macchie all'unghia. Fioritura tardiva. FEN HE "Pink Lotus" This peony, from Gansu, is a variety of Paeonia rockii. Flowers: pink. but with the petals of the first corona white with a purple blotch at the base; the central corona is formed of smaller petals that are light pink at the edges and become progressively darker towards the purple blotch; single or semi - double. late flowering.
Pink, Lotus shaped with a dense fragrance, purple flares at base of each petal; plant height to 7 feet; a very attractive flower. |
fenhe |
To be called FenHe in Chinese, with characteristics of light pink flowers, resembling a water lily in shape, 16cm×8cm corolla, flowers in clusters while blooming sweetly with leaves being patulous upwards, strong and healthy growing situation, erective posture, many sprouted base stems as well as the medium blooming period. |
Cheng Fangyun: 'Chinese Flare Mudan' (Beijing 2005) |
'Fen He' description (in chinese) & picture available on page 108. |
Li Jiajue 2005, Chinese Tree Peony, Xibei, Xinan, Jiangnan Volume |
'Fen He' Single form, light pink. Selected, cultivated and named by Chen D.Z.. It can be seen in many places. [detailed description available on page 72] |
McLewin & Chen (2006) Peony rockii and Gansu Mudan |
breeder, date: Chen Dezhong before 1985, engl. translation: Pink Lotus, color & form classification categories , remarks: 4.1.01, Early flowering, Vigorous, [153]. |
Beitrag von marcir am 23.4.2007: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |