WHITE EMPEROR (Bill Seidl, Manitowoc, Wisconsin), April 13, 1989. Seedling # none. Garden name has always been the same. Hybrid, semi-double. Parentage Mutation or sport of Yellow Emperor. First year bloomed, first observed 1977. Semi-double white with light purple flares by cream stamen ring. Light grey carpels tipped cream with cream sheath. Plant habit same as Yellow Emperor. 30" high, strong stems, blooms early lactiflora season. Bulletin #272. |
WHITE EMPEROR, Seidl (USA), 1989, Itoh-hybrid, mutation or sport of Yellow Emperor, Semi-double white flowers with light purple flares at the base of the petals. Stamens creamy, carpels light grey, tipped cream. A very rare color for an intersectional hybrid. Very typical Itoh-hybrid planthabit; very compact bush and graceful foliage combined with high vigour. 'White Emperor' still remains a very exclusive variety. WHITE EMPEROR, Seidl (USA), 1989, Itoh-hybride, mutatie of sport uit Yellow Emperor, Halfdubbele witte bloemen met lichtpaarse vlammen in de basis van de bloemblaadjes. Meeldraden crème gekleurd. Een weinig voorkomende kleur in de intersectie-hybriden. Typische habitat voor een Itoh; zeer compact en sierlijk gewas met een grote groeikracht. Zeer schaars. |
Theresa Griesbach on peonyaddicts 2007: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |