type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
PINK PARFAIT -Charles Klehm & Son, 71D, Dec. 15, 1975. Parentage Mons. Jules Elie x Mons. Jules Elie, Seedling #71D. Beautifully formed large vibrant pink flowering double peony, of the lactiflora species. It is mildly fragrant, late seasoned, relatively tall, 33". A robust grower. No stamens or pollen. It has silver petaled edges reminiscent of the Klehm line of breeding which resulted in "Dinnerplate" and "Jay Cee." Disease resistant. |
PINK PARFAIT (Charles Klehm & Son) (71D) December 15, 1975. Parentage, Mons. Jules Elie x Mons. Jules Seedling #7 ID. Beautifully formed large vibrant pink flowering double peony of the lactiflora species. It is mildly fragrant, late seasoned, relatively tall, 33". A robust grower. No stamens or pollen. It has silver petalled edges reminiscent of the Klehm line of breeding which resulted in "DINNER PLATE" and "JAY CEE." Disease resistant. Bulletin #217. |
Pink Parfait Double deep pink flowers paler around the edges and in shape like a flat rose. Carried on long stems above deep green leaves. Late. |
'Pink Parfait (C.G Klehm 1975) : flr. très double rosé, parfumée, mi-saison |
PINK PARFAIT One of the most fragrant of our stock, with perfume | reminiscent of the old roses. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that peonies were for so long - and still arc for that matter - called peony roses. Pink Parfait is fully double, and of a strongish shade of pink. Pink Double, Late, 90cm. PINK PARFAIT Pink, Double, Late, Fragrant. 90cm. Fully double strong pink rose type peony which is great for picking. Very fragrant. |
Pink Parfait (Klehm, 1975) Vivid pink, full double, mild fragrance, very late, 36" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Huge blooms with silvered petal edges. A very late season bloomer. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |