type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [tenuifolia-cultivar]
Kortmann (1998) |
tenuifolia 'Plena' (syn. 'Flore Pleno') (vóór 1907) Bloemen scharlakenrood, gevuld, vroeg; bladeren zeer fijn ingesneden, frisgroen; hoogte 50 cm. In gezonde toestand is deze cultivar opmerkelijk mooi van bloemkleur en blad. Helaas is de plant gevoelig voor Botrytis. Bepaalde grondsoorten zijn voor deze cultivar niet erg geschikt. |
From the website of www.meemelink.com , with kind permssion |
- Paeonia tenuifolia 190 Heinrich Witte, a Dutch gardener, was assistant curator and head-curator at the Leiden botanical garden from 1855-1898. The decorative colour-plates depict the most attractive Dutch garden plants, shrubs and trees of its time, finely lithographed by G. Severeyns of Brussels after paintings by Abraham Jacobus Wendel. |
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TENUIFOLIA FLORA PLENA The same foliage as the preceding plant, but with fully double smallish red flowers. Red Double, Early, 50cm |
TENUIFOLIA RUBRA FLORE PLENA (Species)(E) The fern leaf peony; small double red flowers on ferny foliage about 12 inches in height; takes time to establish and may be difficult to grow for some |
TENUIFOLIA RUBRA PLENA:Double form of the fern-leaf peony has scarlet lipstick red blooms. Wiskery foliage. 18" Very, very early. Must have full sun and well drained soil, and not overwatered when it goes dormant late summer or early fall. |
tenuifolia var. plena, double flowered, splendid brilliant glowing crimson globular flower, rather large. |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |