type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
ANN COUSINS (Cousins, 1946) - Double - White - Late Midseason. Medium height. Rose fragrance. Flower medium to large in size. The open flowers need some support. The foliage is large. The plant is a vigorous and healthy grower and a dependable bloomer. The quality of the bloom is excellent. Introduced by Gilbert H. Wild & Son, at $100.00. Bulletin 104. |
Nicholls Gardens (1999): |
ANN COUSINS (cousins 46) This large white double has beautiful dome shaped flowers with a wonderful rose fragrance. Open flowers may need some support. Large, vigourous and healthy foliage. Late midseason. |
ANN COUSINS (Cousins, 1946). Légèrement parfumée, cette très grande fleur atteint souvent 20 cm de diamètre. Blanc laiteux à réclusion devenant ensuite blanc pur. Demi-tardive. H. 1 m |
Ann Cousins (Cousins 1946) L-VL. Full Double; very large, all white, fragrant. Very full petalled, exhibition quality. Vigorous, productive, reliable opening among late sorts. Medium tall stems will bend at the base, require support to maintain appearance while in flower. |
Ann Cousins (Cousins, 1946) White, full double, fragrant, late, 32" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Large, lovely, full double flowers need support. You'll love the rose fragrance! |
'Ann Cousins' (USA Cousins 1946). Ausgezeichnete Sorte mit elfenbeinweißen, großen, gefüllten Bl. Duft., |
Sevald: |
ANN COUSINS (Cousins, 1946) Double, late midseason, fragrant. Very large, magnificent white double, easily recognized by its very full, dome shaped flowers with broad, gracefully recurved petals. A sensational flower, it sold for one hundred dollars a root, when it first came on the market. |
ANN COUSINS: Double ivory white with a rose fragrance, flowers are enormous and should be supported as the plant is vigorous with dependable bloom. Late - midseason bloom. 34" tall. |
Ann Cousins Season Late Mid-season Type Double Color White Size Medium height Details (Cousins, 1954) Rose fragrance. Flower medium to large in size. The open flowers need some support. The foliage is large. The plant is a vigorous and healthy grower and a dependable bloomer. The quality of the bloom is excellent. Introduced by Gilbert H. Wild & Son. American Peony Society National Exhibition Grand Champion 1954. |
ANN COUSINS , Cousins (Canada), 1946, Paeonia lactiflora, Niet weg te denken uit ons assortiment. Enorm grote geheel gevulde bloemen, kraakhelder wit. En zo groot als de bloemen van deze cultivar zijn, zo heerlijk ruiken ze. Een zeer betrouwbare groeier en bloeier, zijknoppen zijn ook aanwezig. Bladeren zijn donkergroen en vrij grof. Tegelijkertijd is dit één van de laatst bloeiende pioenen in ons assortiment. Ondersteuning van de bloemen is wel nodig. ANN COUSINS, Cousins (Canada), 1946, Paeonia lactiflora, Indispensable in our catalogue. Enormous full double dome-shaped flowers of the brightest white. A sensational variety, even more because of the fact that this variety is as extremely fragrant as her flowers are huge. The very lovely rose-like scented flowers do need some support during blooming time. 'Ann Cousins' is a very reliable grower and bloomer. Fairly coarse dark green leaflets. One of our last varieties to flower |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |