type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
10089-10113 |
lac 'Kelway's Glorious' |
x |
lobata (Perry) |
= |
10092 'Laura Magnuson', 10108 'Sophie', 10100 'Ellen Cowley', 'Carina' |
ELLEN COWLEY (Saunders, 1940) - Semi-Double - Red - Hybrid. Deepest bright cherry. Albiflora x lobata. Lists in Bulletins 91 and 129. |
Ellen Cowley (1940) Small close brilliant rosette. [Albiflora x lobata - the great race of lobata hybrids This group contains many beautiful pink and red tones so long desired in the Chinese peonies; salmon, coral, rose and deep cherry pinks, to clear bright crimsons, with no hint of purple and never a bad color in all the hundreds that have bloomed. I think this is the most brilliant and e effective strain of herbaceous hybrids yet produced. . Their season is generally M. They set hardly any seed, but their F2's may be interesting. About a dozen reds, and almost thirty pinks have been introduced, many of them so similar to one another that I have now tried to sort them roughly into color groups. The pinks especially, fade off as the flower ages , into pale peach shades, so that a mature plant will have flowers of many differing tones, but all harmonious [..] are single except when otherwise noted. open deepest bright cherry |
(Saunders 1940) EM, Semi-Double; many petals, sharp pink (or light red in a cool spring). Very prolific, many stems; leaflets and flowers medium size, good in floral design. Medium tall stems, good grower. Like many Lobata of Perry Hybrids, does well with shade, quality of summer foliage is helped. |
ELLEN COWLEY Bright rose coral. Double row of incurved petals with showy golden stamens. One of the shocking pinks which gives a grand display. Develops into a large bush smothered in blooms. Red Double, Early, 85cm. ELLEN COWLEY Red, Double, Early, No staking. 85cm. Bright rose coral. Double row of incurved petals with showy golden stamens. |
Ellen Cowley (Saunders 1940) EM. Semi-double; many petals, sharp pink (or light red in a cool spring). Very prolific, many stems, many flowers; leaflets and flowers medium size, a handy size for floral design. Medium tall stems, good grower. Like many Lobata of Perry Hybrids, foliage best with some shade, quality of summer foliage is helped. No fertility noted. |
Cowley Season Early
Mid-season Type Double Color
Pink Size Medium-Tall Details
(Saunders, 1940) |
ELLEN COWLEY Flower type: PeonySemi-Double Size: 26'' Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Early Hybridizer: A.P. Saunders
Bright rose-flame red with double petal rows opening to display a bright golden center. Perfectly formed blossom rosettes.
Ellen Cowley (Saunders, 1940) Sharp pink, semi-double, midseason, 33" tall, hybrid. Sharp pink semi-double with many stems and many flowers. Can tolerate some shade. |
M.S. Uspenskaja 2003, p. 119: |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
picture in 2007 available on Prof. Harald Fawkner's website, www.speedcloud.com , look under East |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed as 'Ellen Cawley' |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |