type: [herbaceous peony] – [herbaceous hybrid]
BUCKEYE BELLE (Mains 1956) S-D.VE.R. Seedling # not given, (officinalis x albiflora). Semi-double medium sized flower. Guards dark red, large, inner petal narrower, interspersed with stamens, yellow anthers and red filaments. Carpels enclosed in a cap of petals. Bulletin #142 September 1956. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Buckeye Belle' (Mains, U.S.A., 1956) Bloemen dieprood tot kastanjebruin (RHS CC 59A, Red Purple Group), halfgevuld, vroeg; petaloiden klein, waartussen zichtbare, gele meeldraden; onderzijden meeldraden vaak roodachtig, bladeren donkergroen, stelen zwak roodbruin; hoogte 80 cm; bloemstengels doorgaans slap; vertakkiáng matig tot goed. Deze cultivar wordt gekenmerkt door de unieke bloemvorm en kleur en bovendien de vroege bloei. Tijdens de keuringsperiode is jammer genoeg enkele malen Botrytis waargenomen, maar gezien de vele positieve eigenschappen heeft deze pioen toch een zeer hoge bekroning. |
BUCKEYE BELLE (E)(Mains) Very early dark maroon semi-double; large flowers with heavy substance; the combination of large outer petals surrounding narrow center petals adds depth to the bloom; plant height about 18" to 24", |
BUCKEYE BELLE:Deep mahogany red semi-double with gold center accent. Cup-shaped, it blooms very early and makes a top notch cut flower. |
BUCKEYE BELLE Red, Semi double, Early, No staking. 70cm. Dark maroon semi-double with large outer petals and narrow centre petals, sprinkled with yellow staminodes. BUCKEYE BELLE Very dark maroon semi-double with large ou(er petals and narrow ccntre petals of a satin like tcxture, high-lighted by yellow staminodes mixed through. A marvellous accent plant. Red Double, Early, no staking, 75cm. |
Blooming time Week 4 Fragrance: None Side Buds: None Comments: Buckeye Belle attracted my attention many years ago. I believe it was the first peony I saw with really dark red petals. The colour is actually more a deep mahogany and has the appearance of velvet. This is another of those very dark flowered peonies that look stunning planted with yellow flowering plants. Slightly shorter than average © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
BUCKEYE BELLE, Mains (USA), 1956, Hybrid – Paeonia officinalis x P. lactiflora, A fenomenal semi-double peony with exceptionally colored flowers. Very deep and dark red. Large guard petals and a large center of mixed narrower inner petals, yellow anthers and red filaments. No sidebuds. The dark green leaflets on reddish stems create the finishing touch. The very special color, low plant height, compact habit and the early flowering time makes 'Buckeye Belle' a very special and sought after variety.
BUCKEYE BELLE, Mains (USA), 1956, Hybride – Paeonia officinalis x P. lactiflora , Een fenomenale semi-dubbele pioenroos met een uitzonderlijk donkerrode kleur. De kleur wordt ook wel chocoladerood of dieprood tot kastanjebruin genoemd. Tussen de donkere bloembladeren zijn zeer contrasterende gele meeldraden zichtbaar. Geen zijknoppen. Donkergroen gewas met roodbruine stelen. De bijzondere kleur, geringe hoogte, compacte groei en haar vroege bloei maakt deze cultivar erg gewild. |
Buckeye Belle (Mains, 1956) Extremely dark red, semi-double, early, 30" tall, hybrid. The very dark petals (almost chocolate-red) are sprinkled with golden stamens. Quite striking maroon fall foliage! |
Aulden Farm 2005 |
Paeonia 'Buckeye Belle' - Flat cups of velvety crinkled deep red petals with just a few stamens showing. Ht 90cm |
Buckeye Belle A semi-double flower forming a flat cup with very deep red petals. These are crinkled and tinged with brown and purple. Early. |
'Buckeye Belle' : (Mains 1956) fl. semi-double rouge-marron, étamines jaunes, précoce. |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Margitta Stewart 2007: |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |