Paeonia decomposita Handl-Mazzetti
Handel-Mazzetti, H., 1939, Plantae Sinensis,, Meddelanden Från Göteborgs Trädgård [Acta Horti Gotoburgensis], 1939, XIII, 37-40
type: [tree peony] [species]
accepted name (2005) |
1997 |
Osti |
Paeonia decomposita Handel-Mazzetti, in «Acta Horti Gotoburgensis», 13, 39, 1939; sinonimo di Paeonia szechuanica (Fang Wenpei), secondo quanto mi comunica il prof. Hong De-yuan, che ha potuto confrontarne un esemplare con l'olotipo conservato all'erbario dell'Università di Uppsala. In base al Codice Internazionale di Nomenclatura Botanica P. decomposita è pertanto il nome valido. A mio giudizio è una delle specie più belle. Ha foglie sottili, glabre, alternate, bi- o tripennate, oblunghe-lanceolate, suddivise in numerose foglioline (fino a 63). I fiori semidoppi, rosa, con 9-12 petali, filamenti bianchi, antere gialle, dischi che racchiudono per metà i carpelli con brattee e sepali persistenti. Una delle gemme della flora cinese troppo a lungo ignorata nei nostri giardini; |
1998 |
Wang |
Paeonia decomposita Hand.-Mazz. - P. szechuanica Fang in Acta Phytotax Sin. 7(4): 302,1958. Glabrous, deciduous shrub 1 - 1.5m in height. The stem bark is greyish-black, annual twigs purplish-red; 2- or more-year-old branches are greyish-white but peeled off in places. Complex generally tripinnate leaves; the terminal leaflet ovate or obovate with deep clefts sometimes even reaching the base. Secondary lateral leaflets ovate or rhombus-ovate with 3 clefts or with none or with wide incisions and trilobate. One flower at the stem apex with 9-12 light purple to pink petals. Filaments and discs are both white, 4-6 glabrous carpels. The flowering period is from the last days of April to the firstdays of June (Fig. 5). P. decomposita has a limited distribution, in Maerkang and Jinchuan Counties, Sichuan, at 2600-3100m. Also recorded in recent years in Wen County of Gansu. In Maerkang, there is a clear division between dry and, wet periods but without four obvious seasons. Annual mean temperature 8.6°C, mean temperature in January -1°C, minimum -17.5°C, mean temperature in July 16.5°C, maximum 34.3°C. Annual mean precipitation 753mm; annual mean duration of sunshine 2195 hours; frostfree period 120 days. P. decomposita grows among thorn bushes in dry valleys on south-east facing slopes. The mountain yellow earth has pH about 6.4. The main accompanying species are Prunns davidiana, Rosa willmottiae, Rhamnus sp., Abelia dielsii, Cotoneaster soongoricus, Spiraea sp., Lonicera ferdinandii, Berberis polyantha and Syringa sweginzowii, while the herbage consists of Artemisia and pteridophytes. In some locations the density of plants reaches 20 to 22 per 100m2. |
1999 |
HONG De-Yuan & PAN Kai-Yu Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 37(4):351-368(1999) Paeonia decomposita Hand.-Mazz. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |