Paeonia 'Romantic Lace'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora] |
2013 |
originator/registrant: |
Peony Romantic Lace (Tischler/Buchite 2013) Peony Romantic Lace was registered and introduced in 2013. It is very fragrant compared to Myrtle Gentry which is recognized as one of the most fragrant peonies. That quality along with it's subtle pastel tones and delicate flower form add to it's appeal. The dark pink buds open to a lovely 5 1/2 inch Japanese form flower held a few inches above a dense compact plant with dark green, disease resistant foliage. The 10-12 lavender-pink guard petals have a silvery white cast to the edges as the flower matures and hold their cupped form as the bloom ages. The creamy, amber pink center staminodes are flattened and cupped with each finely laced edge highlighted by a bright gold accent when freshly opened. Three side buds extend the mid-season bloom. No pollen noted but we had a few seeds collected from our plants this fall. Very fragrant with the fragrance rich and pleasing. It has shown excellent bud and plant hardiness during extreme weather conditions during pre-bloom and bloom season. No loss of bloom or foliage damage during several severe springs making it a vigorous variety adapted to adverse weather. Plant in full sun. Week 5 bloom date rating. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |