Paeonia 'Theresa Anne'
type: [tree peony] [lutea hybrid] |
2013 |
originator/registrant: |
Theresa Anne. Seidl/Bremer. 2013. Advanced generation lutea hybrid. (Age of Gold x Rosalind Elsie Franklin). Originated and named by William Seidl of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Ornate flowers are amber/cream with pink to rose shadings. Very double and ruffled flowers face outward, but not down. Good carriage on generally short plants. Pink stigmas are visible on some flowers. Petals are highly ruffled. Foliage is a light green and leaflets are wide and pointed. Foliage is dense and provides and excellent backdrop for flowers. It can set seeds occasionally in backcrosses to members of the suffruticosa group. Easily grafted and fast growing. Plants are wider than tall and over time may reach four feet if given adequate protection from cold and wind. In the open field Theresa Anne reaches a height of 3.5 feet and blooms heavily each year. Has been hardy at Solaris Farms in open field growing situations and other gardens in Northeast Wisconsin. Has produced seed with suffruticosa Taiyo and lutea hybrids. May be useful as a short landscape shrub due to good foliage and mounded plant form. Besides the seed-parent, Age of Gold, this origination is derived on the pollen side from Golden Era, Chinese Dragon, and Zephyrus...... superior cultivars from Dr. David Reath, Prof. Arthur Saunders, and Mr. Nassos Daphnis, a "Who's Who" in the breeding of P. x lemoinei hybrids. At the 2016 APS flower show Theresa Ann won reserve champion, best lutea hybrid and was a notable addition to the show table. Excellent. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |