this picture is from the website of Jan Meemelink, Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink, Mankesstraat 6, NL-2597 CN Den Haag <>
Paeonia albiflora x Festiva. From: Flore des serres et des jardins de l’Europe by Charles Lemaire and others. Gent, Louis van Houtte, 1853, volume 8 (plate 790-791). Chromolithograph finished by hand (sheet 237 x 337 mm with folds). (Meemelink) The founder, publisher and part-editor of this lavish Belgian periodical was Louis van Houtte, the propietor of the largest nursery of its time on the continent. It appeared monthly for almost 40 years and was published by his own printing office in the middle of the gardens, the Horto van Houtteano. All the plants shown were for sale in his nursery and include many exotics. The work is notable for the craftmanship of the Belgian lithographers Severeyns, Stroobant and De Pannemaker, who had mastered the art of colour-printing from stone.
* Great flower books p. 84; Nissen BBI 2254; Stafleu & Cowan 15.921.