USSR Red Book 2nd Ed.

translated by Globalink Power translator, corrected Dr.Carsten Burkhardt

P. oreogeton S. Moore (incl. P. vernalis Mandl.)

Statuses: rare plant

Meaning the type in the nature conservation. Ornament-plant, good perspectives for the breeding of ornament-planting. Endemit of the eastern Asia.

Short-description. Tree. The stalk wound, 60 - 70 cm high. The leaves are doubly - triternat, completely-edge-y, ledrig, powerful, oberseits green, beneath gray-blue. The leaf-segments are elliptical, turned back oval, sharpened in the end. The blooms are until 9 cm in the diameter, opened far, the bloom-stalk is 2 - 7 cm long. The blooms usually cream-know, very rarely pink. The Petalens are vice-versa oval, at the basis somewhat narrow. The staminoidale Disc almost is not visible. The Filamentes are dark-violet at the basis, in the upper part light. Sharpens dark-red. Fruit-leaves 1-4 (usually 1), bald, bent.

Occurrences: Chabarowskij and Primorskij Kraj, island Sachalin, Kurilen (Iturup, Schikotan):outside Russia still in Japan and China. Locations. Mixed -, needle - or wide-flaky foliage-forests, at rocky hillsides or in the shadow along from rivers.

Frequency and tendency of her/its/their change: rare. The plants grow separately or in small groups.

Factors the destruction. Massive collecting of the blooms for bouquets.

Peculiarities the biology new population originates only from seeds.

Culture. In culture in the Far eastern botanical garden and in the polar - alpine BG, in the botanical garden of the MGU and in the Zentr. BG the academy sciences. Under culture-conditions in the BG of the MGU, the plant reaches a similar height, if the conditions resemble those of the nature-location, the plants bloom and form seeds, dies after 5 however - 6 years from.

Methods of the protection. Under protection in the reservation Kedrowaja pad, Sichote - Alinskij and Ussurskij.

Necessary methods of the protection. It is necessarily more protectorates in the Primorskij kraj (in the Rayonen Wladiwostok, Chasanskij, Schkotowskij and Dalniegorskij) and on Sachalin (in the Poronajskij Rayon and near Juschno - Sachalinsk) .Informationsquellen: 1. Makedonskaja 1977 (process of M. S. Uspenskaja).