[sitemap de/eng]

Zhong Shu


Preface of Description of Peony in Yue

A report on the peonies in the regions south of the Yangtse River remained from the the Song Dynasty.

Only the Preface of Description of Peony in Yue (Zhong Shu,986AD, Collection of Chinese Agriculture Works) has survived. This mentions that "In the region of Yue only peony was admired. There were 32 extremely beautiful strains" (Monk Zhong Shu of the Song Dynasty, Preface of Description of Peony in Yue).

extract from the book :

Wang Lianying 1998, Chinese Tree Peony - The Peony Association Of China - 213 pages · 400 color photos · english edition of Pictorial Record of Chinese Tree Peony Varieties