Parent species: P. lobata |
For other 'peregrina' forms see also: |
The species Paeonia lobata is now treated as a synonym of P. peregrina, in the past the name 'Lobata' has been used for many different forms of wild peonies:
P. broteroi |
P. broteroi |
P. broteroi |
P. peregrina |
P. lactiflora |
P. peregrina |
P. peregrina |
Saunder's 'Lobata of Perry' came from Amos Perry in England, who wrote Saunders, that the original plant came from the region of Smyrna (now Izmir in Turkey), a native place of P. peregrina. Besides this he used for crosses other lobatas, and also a plant named 'false lobata', which is probably P. arietina, hybrids see under 'ARI'
More information on this topic can be found in the following publications: |
Arthur Percy Saunders: SOME HYBRID PEONIES, American Peony Society Bulletin No. 84, Sept. 1941For information on this topic use this link: < OFF> |
Silvia Saunders: The Work of Professor A.P. Saunders pp. 40-61 in: Wister JC (ed),1962,The Peonies. 2nd Printing 1995, American Peony Society (sorry, the online-version is not public!) |
Silvia Saunders: A.P. Saunders nursery catalog 1965 |
Don Hollingsworth: The Lobata of Perry Hybrids (sorry, the online-version is not public!) |