Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder - Japan

Chugai- Shokubutsu Yan

Yama-moto, Japan

Biographical sketches

The Chugai Shokubutsu Yen: Wholesale catalogue of forest and ornamental tree seeds, finest and new rare varieties of tree peonies and Japanese ireses and other Japanese stocks. For 1928-9 season.
Yamamoto, (1928), pp. 26, text-illustrations, 4to (185 x 280 mm), illustrated wrappers.

€ 60  index  |  nursery catalogues: Chugai

The Chugai Shokubutsu Yen: Descriptive catalogue of seeds of forest and ornamental trees, shrubs and perennials, and tree and herbaceous peonies, maples, Japanese irises, lily bulbs, fern balls and designs, dwarfed trees, bamboo stakes, dried leaves, etc. Season of 1930-1931.
Yamamoto, (1930), pp. 28, a few text-illustrations, 8vo (148 x 219 mm), illustrated wrappers (library stamp).

€ 50  index  |  nursery catalogues: Chugai

The Chugai Shokubutsu Yen, Seed mechants and nurserymen: Descriptive catalogue of seeds of forest and ornamental trees and shrubs, perennials and vegetables and flower-seeds, tree and herbaceous peonies, maples, wisterias, Japanese irises, lily bulbs, fern balls and designs, dwarfed trees, bamboo stakes, dried leaves, etc. Seas of 1931-32.
Yamamoto, (1931), pp. 36, text-illustrations, large 8vo (130 x 255 mm), colour-illustrated wrappers.

€ 60  |  index  |  nursery catalogues: Chugai

The Chugai Shokubutsu Yen, Seed mechants and nurserymen: Descriptive catalogue of seeds, plants and bulbs 1932-3. Seeds of forest and ornamental tree and shrubs, perennials, lilies, vegetables and flower-seeds. Tree and herbaceous peonies, maples, wisterias, Japanese irises, lily bulbs, fern balls and designs, bamboo stakes, dried leaves, etc.
Yamamoto, (1932), pp. 49, text-illustrations, 4to (186 x 265 mm), colour-illustrated wrappers (faint library stamp).  |  index  |   nursery catalogues: Chugai

The Chugai Nursery Co. (The Chugai Shokubutsu Yen), Seed mechants and nurserymen: Descriptive catalogue of seeds, plants and bulbs 1937-8. Seeds of forest and ornamental tree and shrubs, perennials, lilies, vegetables and flower-seeds. Tree and herbaceous peonies, maples, wisterias, Japanese irises, lily bulbs, fern balls and designs, bamboo stakes, dried leaves, etc.
Yamamoto, (1937), pp. 25, text-illustrations, 4to (188 x 262 mm), colour-illustrated wrappers with mounted colour-plate.

€ 65  |  index  |   nursery catalogues: Chugai

The Chugai Nursery Co. (The Chugai Shokubutsu Yen), Seed mechants and nurserymen: Descriptive catalogue of seeds, plants and bulbs 1938-9. Seeds of forest and ornamental tree and shrubs, perennials, lilies and flower-seeds. Tree and herbaceous peonies, maples, wisterias, Japanese irises, lily bulbs, fern balls & designs, bamboo stakes, dried leaves, etc.
Yamamoto, (1938), pp. 25, text-illustrations, 4to (188 x 262 mm), illustrated wrappers (library stamp).

€ 60  |  index  |   nursery catalogues: Chugai

Catalogue 1940-1941

Chugai Nursery, Descriptive Catalogue of seeds, plants and Bulbs, 1940-1941. Seeds of Forest and Ornamental Tree and Shrubs, Lilies and Flower-Seeds, Tree and Herbaceous Peonies, Maples, Wisterias, Japanese Irises, Lily Bulbs, Fern Balls & Designs, Bamboo Stakes, Dried leaves etc. Offered by The Chugai Nersery Co., Seed Merchants and Nurserymen, Yamamoto, Kawabegun, nr. Kobe, Japan, Registered Cable Address: CHUGAISEED KOBE, Tel. Yamamoto No. 4.

„ ...Erst 1891 wurde es besser, als Professor Sargent vom Arnold Arboretum während einer Studienreise in Japan die japanischen Baumschuler überzeugen konnte, ihre Strauchpäonien direkt zu exportieren.

Von nun an gaben Firmen wie „The Yokohama Nursery" und „The Tokyo Nursery Company" englischsprachige Kataloge heraus. Alles in allem waren diese Firmen nicht im eigentlichen Sinne Baumschulen wie wir es verstehen, sondern eher Genossenschaften, die die Erzeugnisse vieler Anbauer vermarkteten und sich darauf beschränkten, Handel zu treiben.

Mein Großvater Benoit Rivière erhielt damals etliche Kataloge der Firmen „Rihachiro Tanoi" aus Yokohama, „The Chugai Shokubutsu Yan" aus Yama-moto und „The Yokohama Nursery" aus Yokohama, die wir bis heute aufgehoben haben. ...“

Breedings & Introductions


(Chugai Nursery, Japan bef. 1940)



(Chugai 1932)



(Chugai 1932)



(Chugai 1932)


Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library

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last updated 11.08.2007