Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder - France |
LaPalisse (Allier), France |
Biographical sketches |
chapter BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. doriat & sons. This firm has recently purchased the establishment of M. Auguste Dessert which was founded at Chenonceaux in 1848. They are continuing the business of peony-growing at Lapalisse which is situated near Vichy, the well-known watering-place. Their address is Lapalisse (Allier), France. |
Doriat et Fils, La Pallisse (Allier), France. Successors to Dessert |
APS: History of the Peonies and their Originations (-1975): FRENCH PEONIES DORIAT & SON & DEBATENE, LaPalisse (Allier), France AMI RAOUL DUVAL (1936) - Single. Velvety purple, silvery piping. ANDRE GENSDARMES (1935) - Double. Large cupped white with golden stamens. ARMANCE DESSERT (1929) - Double, late midseason. Soft silvery salmon pink. Fragrant. CHARLES DORIAT (1935) - Jap. Lilac guards, salmon center. CHARLOTTE CORE (1932) - Single, early. Pure white. CHARLOTTE SAULNAY (1934) - Jap. Purple lilac with yellow staminodes. COMTESSE de MURAD (1932) - Single, early. Silvery white. Carmine reflex. EDOUARD DORIAT (1929) - Double, late. Vivid salmon pink with stamens. ELIZABETH DESSERT (1932) - Jap. Dark red guards, staminodes frilled purple. GILBERT BARTHELOT (1931) - Double. Silvery pink with slaty tints. Stamens show. HUBERT DEGRIS (1929) - Jap. Purple lilac, narrow petaloids yellow. INGENIEUR DORIAT (1931) - Double. Carmine red with broad silvery border. JACQUES DESSERT (1929) - Double, late midseason. Immense ball of pink intermingled white. JACQUES DORIAT (1928) - Jap, midseason. Silvery carmine pink straw yellow petaloids. JOSEPH PLAGNE (1928) - Jap. Carmine red, gold yellow staminodes. JOSEPH ALETTI (1934) - Jap. Carmine mauve, staminodes rosy straw. MADAME HELENE RICHELET (1936) - Double. White butter tinted, red piping. MADAME HENRI CORE (1933) - Double. Silvery pink. MARGARET ELLIOTT WAGGAMAN (1932) - Double, late midseason. White with salmon tints. Good. MONSIEUR ADAM MODZELEWSKI (1935) - Double. Velvety red silvery border. MONSIEUR EUGENE VION (1936) - Double. Nice silvery pink with lilac tints. ODILE (1928) Double, late midseason. Large white sphere with lilac tinted center. PIERRE DEBATENE (1935) - Single. Dark pink with purple nuance. PIERRE VERCOURT (1933) - Sulphured white with yellow collar white intermingled. PROFESSEUR C. POTRAT (1929) - Double, late. Very tall and large bright pink. RIGOLOTE (1931) - Purple crimson guards with staminodes same color tipped yellow. |
Der Gartenbaubetrieb Doriat Der Gartenbaubetrieb Doriat wurde 1848 gegründet und ist einer der ältesten Päonienbetriebe. Wir wissen bereits, daß Félix Crousse Doriat 1905 seine bedeutende Sammlung überließ, die seitdem in Lapalisse angebaut wurde. 1922 kaufte Edouard Doriat, Ingenieur der Gartenbauschule in Versailles, den Gartenbaubetrieb Dessert und Méchin in Chenonceaux auf und die Pflanzen wurden ebenfalls nach Lapalisse gebracht. Bis zu seinem Tod im Jahre 1950 widmete sich Edouard Doriat unter Mitarbeit seines Sohnes Charles den Päonien. Wir verdanken ihm eine Reihe bedeutender und schöner Sorten wie 'Madame Edouard Doriat' (1942),'Inspecteur Lavergne' (1924),'Gilbert Barthelot' (1931), 'Rigolotte' (1930), um nur einige zu nennen. Nach dem Tode von Edouard Doriat führte Charles die mühsame Arbeit bis 1967 weiter und überließ das Material dann der Firma Marionnet in Soings-en-Sologne und trat in den Ruhestand. Charles Doriat berichtete mir unlängst, er habe etwa zwischen 80.000 und 100.000 Staudenpäonien in 600 verschiedenen Sorten angebaut. |
Marionnet who had bought all the peony collection from Mr Doriat. |
Breedings & Introductions |
(Doriat, 1936) |
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(Doriat 1935) |
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(Doriat 1929) |
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(Doriat 1929) |
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(Doriat 1924) |
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(Doriat 1933) |
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Charlot ('Chariot') |
(Doriat 1924) |
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(Doriat 1932) |
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(Doriat 1934) |
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(Doriat 1932) |
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(Doriat 1926) |
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(Doriat 1925) |
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(Doriat 1929) |
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(Doriat 1926) |
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(Doriat 1932) |
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(Doriat, 1931) |
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(Doriat 1925) |
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(Doriat, 1924) |
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(Doriat 1929) |
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(Doriat) |
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(Doriat, 1924) |
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(Doriat, 1925) |
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(Doriat 1929) |
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(Doriat 1928) |
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(Doriat 1934) |
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(Doriat 1928) |
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(Doriat, 1927) |
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(Doriat) |
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(Doriat 1936) |
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(Doriat, 1927) |
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(Doriat 1936) |
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(Doriat 1933) |
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(Doriat 1931) |
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(Doriat 1936) |
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(Doriat 1925) |
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(Doriat) |
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(Doriat 1925) |
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(Doriat 1936) |
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(Doriat, 1924) |
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(Doriat 1925) |
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(Doriat 1928) |
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(Doriat 1935) |
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(Doriat 1933) |
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(Doriat, 1929) |
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Professeur C Potrat ('Professeur Camille Portrat') |
(Doriat, 1929) |
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Prof Potrat ('Professeur Camille Portrat') |
(Doriat, 1929) |
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(Doriat 1930) |
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(Doriat 1931) |
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Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library |
last updated 19.08.2007 |