Paeonia 'Cora Louise'

type: [intersectional hybrid]


Roger F. Anderson, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA

CORA LOUISE (Roger F. Anderson), Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, 1986. Itoh double hybrid. Seedling #A80-02. First bloomed 1984. Parentage, double white lactiflora x Reath hybrid tree. Pure white double with lavender flares. This Itoh is flat in form, reliable with average amount of bloom on good strong stems, dark green foliage, and blooms at mid-season. Flowers are held above the 24" bush. No pollen or seeds. Some fragrance. Named after Grandmother, Bulletin #259.

Osti (1997)

CORA LOUISE (ROG ANDERSON). Ibrido intersezionale con grande fiore bianco, semidoppio, fiammato di rosso scuro all'unghia. Bei fogliame verde scuro. Fioritura mediana, leggero profumo.

Osti (1999)

CORA LOUISE Intersectional hybrid raised by Roger Anderson. Flowers: white, dark red flares at the base; semi - double, large, slightly scented, mid - season flowering. Leaves: dark green, beautiful.

Cora Louise Large white semi double blooms with deep lavender to purple flares. Excellent plant habit accompanied by handsome dark green foliage

Originator:Anderson, 1986

Parentage:Intersectional hybrid

Flower Form:Semi-double



Bloom Period:Week 5


Side Buds:

Comments:Named for the grandmother of the breeder. The flowers have a large deep purple blotch at the base reminiscent of the type found on the Chinese Gansu Mudan (P. rockii hybrids)

Fleur: Semi-double

Tuteur: Non

Hauteur: H2

Floraison: 5e semaine

Parfum: Bon

Notes: Nommée en l’honneur de la grand-mère de l’horticulteur. Ses fleurs présentent une grosse tache violette à la base, qui rappelle celle de la pivoine chinoise ‘Gansu Mudan’ (hybride P. rockii)

© 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust

Cora Louise (Anderson, 1986) White with deep lavender flares, semi-double, slightly fragrant, midseason, 24" tall, intersectional. A striking contrast of lavender flares in this white bloom. It has the dark green, deeply cut foliage of the tree peony parent and pleasing bush shape. Some fragrance. Rare.

Huge semi-double to double white flowers. The contrast between the dark crimson color of the center of this peony and the pure white petals is magnificent. Beautiful fragrant flowers. Robust stems hold the flowers well above the foliage. Height 90 cm. Start blooming at mid-season. Very reliable plant with lot of flowers year after year. Cora Louise was the name of Mister Andersonâs grandmother. A true beauty in a pure state!

Fleurs doubles, plus petites que Bartzella, d’un jaune très doux. Longue tige au bout duquel apparaît une fleur en forme d’œillet. Fait une excellente fleur à couper. Les fleurs sont portées bien en évidence au-dessus du feuillage. Plant de 90 cm. Fleurs parfumées.

peonies & seeds

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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