Paeonia 'Juia Rose'

type: [intersectional hybrid]


Roger F. Anderson, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA

Julia Rose (Anderson) Single to semi-double bloom opening a cherry red then to orange and later yellow. Will show flowers in 3 colors at one time on a plant. Excellent plant habit makes for a good garden plant

Julia Rose Season Type Single Color Rose/Apricot Size Details (Anderson)
Single to semi-double intersectional Peony. Opens cherry red and quickly turns to rose, apricot and yellow blend. Very choice and limited


Parentage: Intersectional hybrid

Flower Form:Semi-double


Height:60-90 cm

Bloom Period:Week 5


Side Buds:1 or 2 per stem

Comments: As with many of the other intersectional hybrids, the fade pattern is an important characteristic of this peony. I find the colours sometimes difficult to describe in words but perhaps a description of pinkish copper through to creamy yellow paints the right picture in my mind

Fleur: Semi-double

Tuteur: Non

Hauteur: 60-90 cm

Floraison: 5e semaine

Parfum: Faible

Fleurs secondaires: 1 ou 2 par tige

Notes: Comme les autres hybrides, la décoloration est une importante caractéristique. Il est parfois difficile de décrire son dégradé, mais un cuivré rosé à un jaune crème me semble bien capturer l'image que j'essaie de peindre

© 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust

Cherry red, single to semi-double, midseason, 28" tall, intersectional. This flower opens a cherry red and fades to orange and later to yellow. The plant can show 3 colors of flowers at the same time. Excellent plant habit that makes for a good garden plant

© 2007 Adelman Peony Gardens

Simple to semi-double flowers of a red-cherry color on the opening that fades gradually toward an orange salmon and finally become of a mixture of cream and pale rose. The effect is exceptional when the peony reaches its maturity, as with Hilllary, because it holds about forty flowers at different stages of coloration. The flower is carried well above the foliage on firm stems. Height: 90 cm. Flowering season starts at mid-season. Good for the garden but makes also an excellent cut flower with its dark green foliage and long stems.

Fleurs simples à semi-doubles d’un rouge-cerise foncé à l’ouverture qui se transforme graduellement vers un orangé-saumon pour finalement devenir d’un mélange de crème et de rose pâle. L’effet est exceptionnel lorsque le plant est à maturité car vous pouvez avoir plus d’une quarantaine de fleurs à des stades différents de coloration. La fleur est portée bien au-dessus du feuillage sur des tiges fermes. Plant de 90 cm. Floraison en mi-saison, vers le 20 juin. Son feuillage vert foncé et ses tiges longues en font une excellente fleur coupée.

offered on ebay.de by [morgana2001] 2007

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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