Paeonia 'Lemon Dream'
type: [intersectional hybrid]
origination: |
Roger F. Anderson, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA |
LEMON DREAM (Anderson) Roger F. Anderson, Fort Atkinson, WI, Jan. 19, 1999. Yellow single to semi-double - herbaceous x tree hybrid. Pollen parent. Golden Era. Seed parent. Martha W. First bloomed 1987. Divided 1990 - height 28-32". Semi-double yellow, excellent plant habit. Every now and then, a bloom or two will open half lavender, half yellow. A real novelty. These blooms are the most photographed flower in the garden. Very much like Bartzella, but not as double or not as dark in color. |
Large yellow semi-double flowers, similar in form to Bartzella but with a very special feature! The flowers are generally yellow with pink streaks on some petals. But, intersectionals could be instable and it can appear very crazy things·..In Lemon Dream, sometimes the plant can generate a flower half yellow and half pink! Keep your camera close by! The flowers are carried by robust stems, well above foliage. Magnificent port. Look at the picture! Excellent for the garden or for cut flowers. Height: 120 cm. Mid-season. Large fleurs jaunes semi-doubles, semblables à Bartzella mais avec une caractéristique très spéciale! Les fleurs sont généralement jaunes avec des stries roses sur certains pétales. Mais, il peut arriver qu’une fleur apparaîsse avec une moitié jaune et l’autre rose! Conservez votre appareil photo à proximité! Les fleurs sont portées par des tiges robustes, bien au-dessus du feuillage. Port magnifique. Excellente pour le jardin ou les fleurs coupées. Plant atteignant 120 cm. Floraison mi-saison. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |