Trud. Tbil. Bot. Sada, 2, 282 1897
type: [herbaceous peony] [species] [synonym]
current name: |
Paeonia daurica ssp. macrophylla (Hong 2004) |
Hermann Fuchs: |
1897 |
Lomakin |
Paeonia macrophylla Lomak. ( P. corallina Retz. var. Wittmanniana forma macrophylla N. Albow in Mater. dlja Flo. Kolch.). Foliis amplis membranaceis concoloribus lucido viridibus, biternatis, foliolis maximis ovatis, obovatis vel oblongis, apice longiuscale acuminatis, subtus ad nervos primarios parum pubescentibus, floribus albis vix flavescentibus, petalis magnis patulis, carpellis magnis arcuato patentibus puberulis vel glabris. Ab omnibus Paeoniis facile dignoscitur foliis maximis nitidis concoloribus et petalis albis maximis. (Caucasus, Adjaria, Albow).The leaves are large, delicately leathery, on both sides gleaming, lightgreen, biternate; the segments are altogether large, oval, conversely oval or oblong, at the top long -acute; on the lower surface along the mean nerves slightly hairy; the blossoms are white or with yellowish ticket, the petals are large, concave; the sepals large, arched struck back, bald or hardly fluffily. From all peonies it differs in the whole through their large gleaming leaves and the large white outspread sepals (Caucasus, Adzahria, N.Albow). |
© Übersetzung aus demRussischen Dr.Carsten Burkhardt |
1946 |
Stern |
P.Wittmanniana Hartw. ex Lindl. var. macrophylla (Albow) Busch ex Grossheim, Fl. Kavkaza, 2, 91 (1930); F.C. Stern in Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 68, 126 (1943). Syn. P.Wittmanniana subspP.macrophylla (Albow) Busch, I.e. 224 (1903).P.Wittmanniana forma macrophylla (Albow) Busch in Kusnezow, Busch & Fomin, Mat. Fl. Caw. Crit. 3, iii. 13 (1901). P.corallina var. Wittmanniana f. macrophylla Albow, Prodr. Fl. Colchicas {Trud. Tiflis Bot. Soda, 1, Suppl.), 15 (1895). P.macrophylla (Albow) Lomakin in Trud. Tiflis Bot. Sada, 2, 282 (1897) ; Komarov, Fl. U.R.S.S. 7, 30 (1937). |
1901 |
1903 |
1961 |
1984 |
1987 |
1989 |
1990 |
2000 |
Martin Page on the British peony society's Website: |
Upper surface/Oberseite Lower surface/Unterseite
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ripe fruits/reife Früchte |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |