type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
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Eine Auslese feinster Paeonia sinensis neuerer Züchtungen! |
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als 'Maria Crousse' |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Single Peonies, page 67 MARIE CROUSSE. ma-ree-crooss'. (Crousse, 1892.) 8.9. Double type; very large; midseason. Guards very large, with usually smooth outline; central petals broad, narrowing toward the collar, forming an immense globular bloom; pale pink, shaded rose in the center, overspread with a glowing suffusion; moderately fragrant. Medium height; free-flowering; stems stiff. Foliage of average quality. A fine peony of noteworthy color and form. There is a suggestion of creami-ness about the color, but the petals are too translucent to call it creamy pink and the tint is not strong enough to be called salmon. "I should call this rose-pink shaded salmon." Saunders. "One of the most beautiful blooms on the show-table."Boyd. |
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MARIE CROUSSE (Crousse, 1892) - Double - Pink - Midseason. Medium height. Moderate fragrance. Very large. Guards very large, with usually smooth outline; central petals broad, narrowing toward the collar, forming an immense globular bloom; pale pink, shaded rose in the center, overspread with a glowing suffusion. Free-flowering; stems stiff. Foliage of average quality. A fine peony of note-worthy color and form. There is a suggestion of creaminess about the color, but the petals are too translucent to call it creamy pink and the tint is not strong enough to call it salmon. M. |
Marie Crousse (crousse 1892), pale satiny translucent salmon-pink to coral-pink, turning white later. A blood-red blotch in centre and red carpels. Most attractive colouring. Globular bomb type. Large, in clusters. Spice scented. ml. |
'Marie Crousse' (Crousse, 1892),**,S ,1-3/ 80-100,90,mittel-spät, zartrosa, C2, Aufrecht; Blüten sehr gefüllt, ballförmig. |
'Marie Crousse' /Félix Crousse/1892 |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Marie Crousse' (Crousse, Frankrijk, 1892) Bloemen roze tot zalmroze, zeer groot, gevuld, nauwelijks geurend, middelvroeg; hoogte 80 cm; bloemstengels stevig; vertakking goed. Hoewel de bloemstengels van deze pioen stevig zijn, zijn ze niet altijd berekend op de zeer grote, zware bloemen. Vanuit het vak wordt deze oude Franse cultivar toch nog steeds gewaardeerd, hetgeen ook door de keuringscommissie wordt bevestigd. |
Marie Crousse, [Paeonia sinensis Gefülltblühende Sorten:] zartfleischfarben mit lila |
Marie Crousse. [Paeonia albiflora Gefüllt blühende Sorten] Zartfleischfarbenlila |
'Maison Crousse' (Crousse 1892) : fl.double, rosé foncé à pourpre, parfumée |
plant is found in the inventory list of year 2002, in the The National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Ireland |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |