type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT (Franklin, 1932) - Double - Pink - Early to late midseason. Double, with extra long, loose petals of soft rose color. Its size, form and color combine to make it most attractive. A good flower and free bloomer. Bulletin 53. |
MRS. F.D.R. (F)(M)(Franklin) A peony legend--soft pink double suffused with cream; many flowers on each stem; a perfect pink to grace your garden with billowing flowers and exquisite fragrance; Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt has been an American Peony Society Gold Medal winner |
Mrs F.D. ROOSEVELT (Franklin, 1933). (Double], Grande fleur en coupe fermée à pétales réguliers rosé à reflets saumoné léger. Coloris très pur. Sa forme en coupe en fait une des plus appréciées. Parfumée. Précoce. H. 1,10 m. |
MRS F.D. ROOSEVELT Soft shell pink incurved petals in this refined peony make it a very sought after flower. In the old style again, and one which will never go out of fashion. Requires a "front" position, as it is a compact plant. Pink Double, Mid season 85cm. F. MRS F D ROOSEVELT Pink, Double, Mid season , Fragrant. 80cm. Softest pink incurved petals making a fully double flower. Very free flowering. |
MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT Flower type: PeonyDouble Size: 34" Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Mid Hybridizer: Franklin
Refined double bloom with long, loose petals of seashell pink. Classic flower with its combination of size, form and color. Free blooming and fragrant. |
Mrs. FDR (Franklin, 1932) Light pink, double, midseason, fragrant, 28" tall, lactiflora. A soft shell pink with incurved petals in rose form. The size, color and form combine to make this a most attractive flower. APS Gold Medal winner, 1948. |
Mrs. FDR Season Mid-season Type Double Color Pink Size 34" Details A popular soft seashell pink that seems to open a layer at a time. Fragrant and commonly used in cut flower production. APS Gold Medal winner |
MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Franklin (USA), 1932, Paeonia lactiflora, Light pink flowers with a creamy glow, full double. The flowers are quite big and consist of not too many, but large flower petals. Sidebuds present. Very floriferous, vigorous and above all extremely fragrant. An elegant but open planthabit makes some support necessary, especially during full bloom. 'Mrs. F.D.R.' is a very popular garden peony around the world. Awarded with the APS Gold Medal in 1948. MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Franklin (USA), 1932, Paeonia lactiflora, Lichtroze bloemen met crème glans, volledig gevuld. De bloemen zijn van een fors formaat en bestaan uit grote bloembladeren. Zijknoppen aanwezig. Erg bloeirijk, groeikrachtig en bovenal enorm lekker geurend. Een vrij elegant en open gewas, enige ondersteuning tijdens volle bloei kan nodig zijn. 'Mrs. F.D.R.' is een wereldwijd erg populaire pioenroos. Bekroond met de APS Gold Medal in 1948. |
MRS FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT:Beautiful full double light pink waterlily-like bloom is noted for its fragrance. Free flowering and good cut flower. 28" Midseason. |
'Mrs. F.D Roosevelt' (Franklin 1932) : flr. semi- double à double rosé soutenu, mi-saison |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |