Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library - Breeder - USA |
A. B. FRANKLIN (1858-1944) |
Franklin Nursery, 61st and Portland, Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Biographical sketches |
Franklin, Alonzo Barry, Franklin Nursery, Minneapolis, Minn. 1858-1944. Peony grower and breeder. |
APS: History of the Peonies and their Originations (-1975): A. B. FRANKLIN, Franklin Nursery, 61st and Portland, Minneapolis, Minnesota The following list was compiled from such price lists as were available, from reports of the various shows in the Bulletin and from such registrations as have been made in the last few years: A. B. FRANKLIN D-33 (1928) - Double, late. Very large blush fading white of beautiful form and a flower that at its best can hold its own in any company. G.M. A.H.A.M. ACME D-35 (1931) - Double, late. A very good light pink. AKSARBEN - Huge white with lavender markings. Mr. Rosenfield has precedence on this name, as he used it many years ago for a red still sold. ALICE REED BATES G1-1p (1939) - Double, midseason. Light rose pink. Outer petals broad and rounded, inner petals narrow. ANNIE LAURIE G 124p - No other information. APRIGLOW E-39 - Double. Blush or light pink. ATLANTA G-77 (1931) - Single, early. Very large white with pink tones. BETTER TIMES P-147 (1941) - Double, early midseason. Deep rose pink, tall. BETTY BARNES D-75 (1928) - Double, late. Pale pink, fragrant. BIJOU - Double. No other information. BLUSHING BEAUTY W-103 (1931) - Double, late. Pale pink, fragrant. CHARM JE-3 (1931) - Jap, late. Dark red, the best of its color. CHEROKEE W-117 (1931) - Double, midseason. Blush white, flat flower. CHIC - Double, red. No other information. CHIEF D-149 (1931) - Double, late midseason. Very large pink. Fragrant. F.C.C. COLUMBIA - Double. No other information. CRUSADER E-1 (1940) - Double, late. Huge rose type white splashed crimson. Mr. Glasscock has priority to this name. DEFENDER (1941) - Double, midseason. Crimson rose type, fragrant. Prof. Saunders has priority to this name; used it since 1929. DIADEM D-82 (1931) - Double, late. Deep pink, fragrant. S.M. Mr. Andrews used this name for a red Jap in 1932 hence Mr. Franklin has priority. DISTINCTION - Double. No other information. This name should not be used as it has been used many years before by Dessert for a Jap. DIXIE E-66 (1931) - Double, late. Dark red bomb. DULUTH D-98 (1931) - Double, late. Tall pure white. A very fine flower. F.C.C. EDITH SCOVELL D-43 (1928) - Double, late. Dwarf. Medium rose pink. EXCELSA D-167 (1931) - Double, late. Large tall light pink. FAIRY PINK J-14 (1939) - Jap, midseason. Soft opaque light pink. Pale gold staminodes. FAVORITE - Double. No other information. FRANKLIN'S PRIDE D-31 (1931) - Double. Very large even pink. Fragrant. H. M. GLEAM - Double. No other information. GOPHER BEAUTY R-300 (1933) - Single, early. Very bright red. A grand color. GYPSY JEWEL JE-10 - Jap, midseason. Medium rose pink. Fine GYPSY QUEEN JE-43 - Jap. No other information. GYPSY ROSE J-21 - Jap, midseason. Deep rose pink. Staminodes edged and tipped gold. H. M. HAPPY DAYS - Double. Huge deep pink. Stamens intermingled. HARBINGER (1940) - Double. Exceptionally large deep pink. This name was used by Prof. Saunders in 1929 for a light pink hybrid. HARRY MOORE 9 (1929) - Double. Vary large rose type deep pink. HARRY W. CLAYBAUGH (1940) - Double. Extra large deep pink. HENRY WEBSTER SB-7 (1928) - Double, very early. Large medium red. Tall. Fragrant. HIAWATHA R-113 (1931) - Double. Very large clear red. HONEYSWEET D-103 (1932) - Double. White with golden reflex. Fragrant. IDEAL X-9 (1931) - Double, late. Very large full dark pink. IONA - Double. No other information. IVORY WHITE D-44 (1942) - Double, late. Tall, perfectly formed ivory white. Large. JACK ROSE 401 (1928) - Semi-double, very early. Dark glossy red. JAP GIANT J-119 (1932) - Jap, midseason. Very large deep rose pink. Tall. JEAN ANN SB-1 (1928) - Jap, midseason. All crimson with gold tips on center. JIMMIE FRANKLIN 096 (1928) - Single, early. Tall, very dark red. Large. KLONDIKE (1939) - Jap. White guards, staminodes narrow and fringed. LADY LUCK (1940) - Double. Immense lavender. Fragrant. LATE FESTIVA D-38 (1942) - Double, late. White. LAVENDER PINK D-22 (1931) - Double, late. Large lilac pink. LOREN FRANKLIN D-27 (1931) - Double, late. Tall, large deep pink. Excellent LUCILE HARTMAN D-107 (1931) - Double, late. Very large light pink. MADAME BUTTERFLY J-5 (1932) - Jap, midseason. Rose pink of a distinctive shade. MAMMOTH ROSE PF-11 (1940) - Double, midseason. Immense cupped deep pink. Tall. MARK TWAIN G-57a (1939) Double, midseason. Rich metallic crimson. MARY EASTMAN SB-3 (1940) Double, late. Large tall. Creamy rose. Perfect form. MARY ELLEN G-60 (1932) - Semi-double, late. Large blush, very attractive. MERRILL K. FRANKLIN D-49 - Double, white with lavender markings. MILADY D-140. Double. Light bright pink. MINNIE LUCAS 07 (1928) - Double, midseason. Tall medium pink. Fragrant. MINUET D-28 (1931) - Double, late. Very large light pink. Fragrant. H. M. This one of the finest in its color we have today. MISS MINNEAPOLIS E-21 (1931) - Double, late. Pale pink. F.C.C. MRS. A. B. FRANKLIN D-30 (1928) - Double, late. White tinted pink. Fragrant. F.C.C. MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT E-6 (1932) - Double, midseason. Soft light pink. Large broad petals throughout. A flower of as much distinction as its namesake. MRS. GUY REED BATES (1940) - Double. No other inforamtion. MRS. MAC 051 (1928) - Jap, late. Large light pink of a distinct tone. MY PET - Double. No other information. NEW ERA (1939) - Double, midseason. Pure white bomb on order of Mons. Jules Elie. Tall. PEACH GLOW - Double, midseason. White with a glow of peaches. Red markings. PEERLESS X10 - Double. Very large and fine blush white or pink. PIONEER - Semi-double, very early. Tall deep red. Fragrant. PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT X-24 (1932) - Double, late. Tall deep pink. Taking its place as one of the best. PRIMADONNA (1939) - Double, early midseason. Enormous light pink. PRINCESS PAT - Double, red. No other information. RAMONA D-29 (1928) - Double, deep pink. Fragrant. RESPLENDENT D-19 (1931) - Double, late midseason. Immense white. Fine. RICHFIELD WHITE G-279 (1939) - Double, late midseason. White with crimson markings. Tall. ROSE QUEEN - Double, dark pink. rose RED - Double. Fragrant rosy red, erect. ROTARIAN 053 (1928) - Huge pink. Fragrant. SIR JOHN FRANKLIN R-38 - Double, late. Dark lustrous red. Full. Fragrant. SMILING SANDRA - Double. No other information. SNOWBALL X-5 (1933) - Double, late midseason. Perfect ball of white. Very dependable. SUNRISE C-11 (1931) - Semi-double, late midseason. The pink of a fine sunrise. SYMPHONY IN ROSE (1941) - Jap. Rose pink edged yellow. Staminodes tipped cream. THELMA BARNES D-66 (1933) - Double. Rose type white with yellow collar. TIRA (1939) - Double, late midseason. Tall medium pink. TITANIA (1940) - Double, H, midseason. No other information. ULTIMA - Double, very late. Creamy white tinted blush. WHITE SWAN - Double. No other information. This name not used as it is the name of a white single of Mrs. Pleas widely sold. WILL ROGERS W-200 (1935) - Double. White with pink overlay. WINNIE WINKLE SB-5 (1931) - Double, late. Tall light pink. Attractive. |
Breedings & Introductions |
(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin, 1931) |
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Admiral ('The Admiral') |
(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1935) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1941) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1943) |
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(Franklin, 1941) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1947) |
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(Franklin, 1931) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin, 1920) |
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Crusader ('The Admiral' ) |
(Franklin 1940) |
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Defender ('Avender') |
(Franklin 1941) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1939) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1953) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin, 1933) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin, 1939) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1940) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin, 1940) |
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(Franklin 1938) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1933) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1946) |
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(Franklin 1942) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin 1933) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1939) |
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(Franklin 1940) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1942) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1942) |
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(Franklin, 1931) |
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(Franklin 1953) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1932) |
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(Franklin 1933) |
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(Franklin, 1940) |
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(Franklin 1939) |
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(Franklin 1940) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1948) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin 1943) |
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(Franklin, 1931) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin, 1932) |
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Mrs Guy Reed Bates ('Alice Reed Bates') |
(Franklin, 1939) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1939) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1943) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1942) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1933) |
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(Franklin 1939) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1946) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin 1921) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1939) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1928) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1946) |
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(Franklin 1939) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1933) |
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(Franklin 1946) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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(Franklin 1941) |
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(Franklin, 1940) |
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(Franklin 1933) |
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(Franklin 1943) |
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(Franklin 1939) |
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(Franklin, 1940) |
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(Franklin) |
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(Franklin 1942) |
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(Franklin, 1920) |
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(Franklin 1920) |
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(Franklin 1921) |
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(Franklin) |
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Wilfred Johnson ('Wilford Johnson') |
(Franklin - Brand Peony Farm 1966) |
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(Franklin 1935) |
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(Franklin 1931) |
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Breeder ~ Züchter ~ Hybrideurs ~ Tenyésztök |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Library |
last updated 09.09.2007 |