type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
WILFRED JOHNSON (Franklin's seedling, owned by Brand. (A-32-P) (Named after one of their long time employes.) Grows "barrel shape." 32-34" height. Blooms fully double, rose pink, lay flat on top of bush. Bloom, 6-8". Registered by R. W. Tischler, Brand Peony Farm, Faribault, Minnesota. Bulletin #182 September 1966. |
WILFORD JOHNSON (Tischler - Brand Peony Farms 1965) - Double, mid-season. Large bright rose-pink blooms lie flat on top of barrel-shaped bush. |
WILFORD JOHNSON (A. B. Franklin originator, Brand Peony Farms owners and growers 1965) Midseason. Large fully double bright rose pink in color. Blooms he flat on top of the bush, completely different from all other peonies. Blooms measure 6 to 8 inches in size. The plant grows "barrel shaped", medium height, with very strong, thick stems. Dark green foliage all the way to the ground. Verv seldom does the variety fall. Outstanding a? a landscape variety. New for 1967. |
Wilford Johnson (Tischler 1966) EM, Full Double; very large flowers of a rich, fluorescent pink command attention from afar. Mild fragrance. Flower placement is very close to the top of the foliage. One of the earliest to flower in the Lactiflora Group. Dark green leaflets on medium height stems. Great for the mixed border when suitably placed, foliage may die back in Midwest summer heat. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |