(Wissing 1965) Semi-double, triploid. Lactiflora
white semi-double x Officinalis Otto Froebel. Bulletin #178
September 1965.

- Samuel Wissing - Registered by Charles Klehm and Son Nursery,
January 2, 1981. Parentage: Minnie Shaylor x
Otto Froebel; first bloomed about 1965; seedling number
unknown. Double hybrid, deep coral,
flat form, reliable, stamens, pollen, no seeds, fragrant. Good
substance. Good stem strength with excellent foliage, 34 inches,
early, vigorous. Appears to be a sister seedling of Coral Charm.
Mr. Wissing worked over 26 years to achieve these beautiful and
unique coral hybrids. One bud per stem. Plant patent applied for.

type: PeonySemi-double
zone(s): 2-8
time: Early, Hybrid
Samuel Wissing-Roy G. Klehm
coral blossoms with overtones of rose and accented by full, deep
yellow stamen centers. Outstanding plant habit. Roy's favorite
coral. Slightly fragrant.


very populär coral. Intensc apricot-coral double blooms with
some rose on the petals, fades to a soft lemon before the petals
ultimately drop. Vigorous strong growing plants. Excellent picker.
C.Double, Early, 120cm.


SUNSET Wissing / Klehm (USA), 1965 Hybride
Paeonia lactiflora Minnie Shaylor x P.
peregrina Otto Froebel Enorme koraalkleurige
semi-dubbele bloemen. Verkleuring naarmate de bloei vordert is
gelijk aan die van Coral Charm en typisch voor de kruisingen van
Samuel Wissing. Coral Sunset heeft de hoogste dosis
oranje van alle Corals. De naam is dan ook uitstekend gekozen
de kleur is zeer gelijkend op de mooist denkbare zonsondergang.
Tevens kent zij de laagste habitat van deze groep hybriden en
ruikt ze het lekkerst. Stevige stelen en een zeer gewillige
groeier. Deze zeer exclusieve pioenroos is in 2003 terecht
bekroond met de APS Gold Medal.
SUNSET Wissing / Klehm (USA), 1965 Hybrid
Paeonia lactiflora Minnie Shaylor x P. peregrina Otto
Froebel Enormous coral colored semi-double flowers.
Color changes when the flowers mature are equal to 'Coral Charm'
and typical for the famous crosses of Samuel Wissing. 'Coral
Sunset' displays the deepest coral color of all Corals, and is
therefore very highly regarded. The name given to this variety
suits it very well - the color resembles the most gorgeous sunset
imaginable... 'Coral Sunset' has the lowest planthabit of this
group of hybrids and also has the nicest fragrance. Sturdy stems
and very vigorous. This exclusive peony was awarded with a very
well-deserved APS Gold Medal in 2003.


(M)(Wissing) Intensely coral semi-double with a rosy infusion that
adds a sunset glow to the coral; large, dramatic blooms on a plant
that reaches 32 inches and, like all of the corals, is a superb
grower and bloomer; limited, SOLD OUT


Sunset (Wissing 1965) Early midseason. Best Landscaper
Semi-double, opens a deep orangey-coral petal color, similar to
that of Coral Charm, but more intense, has long broad
petals, making a voluptuous flower. The petal color soon passes to
a harmonious, light beige-yellow as the flower matures, especially
in sunlight, flowers will display multiple colors on the same
plant. The medium tall, strong, upright bush stands
well, adapted to all uses. Presumed triploid, no fertility seen
here. Item 2403.


Coral Sunset
(Wissing-Carl G. Klehm, 1981) Coral, semi-double, early, 32"
tall, hybrid. The petals have ruffled edges that increase the
flower fullness. Fades from coral to ivory. Our most spectacular
coral flower! 2003 APS Gold Medal.


One of the very best herbaceous peonies! Coral Sunset is a jewel
in a garden! Large semi-double flowers with a cup form of a
marvelous abricot-coral-pinky color at the opening The color fades
prettily to become finally of a nice creamy-yellow tone. The same
mature plant bear flowers with many different fading stages from
all abricot-coral to completely creamy-yellow. Marvelous! The
flowers are held upright well above the beautiful foliage . Very
strong stems. No support needed. Tall plant of more than 80 cm.
Blooms at the beginning of mid-season. Number one plant either for
landscape and cut flowers.
Probablement une des plus belles pivoines herbacées ! Coral
Sunset est un véritable bijou de pivoine. Ses grandes
fleurs semi-doubles en forme de coupe sont d'une superbe couleur
corail-abricot à l'ouverture. Elles se fadent joliment avec
le temps en passant par différents dégradés
de couleurs pour devenir à la fin d'une belle couleur
jaune-crème. Le même plant peut donc porter des
fleurs dans tous les dégradés de couleur entre le
corail-abricot du début jusqu'au jaune-crème de la
fin. Les fleurs sont portées bien droites au-dessus du
plant sur des tiges fermes et érigées. Aucun besoin
de support. Plant de bonne taille, de plus de 80 cm. Floraison en
début de mi-saison. Fait une excellente plante pour les
jardins mais aussi pour la fleur coupée.

Kortmann (1998)
'Coral Sunset'
(Wissing Klehm, U.S.A., 1965) (P. 'Minnie Shaylor' x P. peregrina
'Otto Fröbel') Bloemen abrikooskleurig tot zalmroze,
halfgevuld; hoogte 80 cm; bloemstengels zeer stevig; vertakking
zeer matig. In verband met de bijzondere bloemkleur heeft de
keuringscommissie gemeend een "s" te moeten toekennen,
hetgeen inhoudt~ dat de plant geschikt is voor liefhebbers.

Double, Early, 120cm. Intense apricot-coral double blooms which
fade to a soft lemon. Vigorous plants.





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Robert Johnson on yahoo!groups #919
Gang, As peony ordering time comes closer and closer, it seems
that members are a bit reluctant to name their Favorite
Peonies, as Jim suggested some time back. If you are like
myself, you probably think a choice would only be relevant if
you are one of those who grows 100s of varieties. Not True!
think the original suggestion was a just-for-fun poll. Also, if
you are like me, probably your favorite peonies change from
year to year; that is what makes growing them so much fun!
that spirit, here are my favorites from this year. Be aware that
I don't grow a million types, and mostly grow herbacious
hybrids. Also, although I think of these as 'classic'
varieties, they may be hard to find for sale this year. Check
our 'Bookmarks' for nursery web sites. *******************
Sunset. (Wissing) Hybridised by the same fellow who originated
Coral Charm. Semi-double coral color that fades to a good
yellow for me. A good grower and moderate increaser. I would
choose this over Coral Charm. Wissing also originated a number
of other varieties that may not yet be as popular as they
deserve to be.
Etched Salmon. (Cousins) The most famous cv
originated by Lyman Cousins. A beautiful creamy pink hybrid
double. Frequently mentioned as a potential Gold Medal winner.
Doomed to be expensive because its' "up-stem" crown
structure makes it very difficult and frustrating to get
divisions from in any number. Just barely adventitious. Perhaps
some propagation tricks may make this cv more available in the
future. A good grower.
Salmon Dream. (Reath) Another hybrid
pink with flowers from semi-double to double on the same plant.
The most beautiful peony as far as plant habit and bush form of
any I grow. Beautiful foliage with leafs to the ground. A good
grower, adventitious, and quite easy to divide; this cv remains
difficult to find for sale because of, I assume, high on-site
demand at the nurseries that grow it. Cut roots back short when
planting this cv to assure a good symetrical root
I'm sure my
favorites will change as seasons pass and other plants
reach maturity, but I would certainly recommend these high
quality peonies to anyone.
Who's next with their
favorites from this season??????
Bob J.
Robert Johnson on
y!groups #5468
[peony] Favorites for 2001
As you may know, I grow mostly herbacious hybrids, so my
"favorites" do not include many of the lactis. They, for
some strange reason, do not seem to do as well in my sand and
frosts and desert climate. The following were my favorites this
year: 'Raspberry Charm' by S. Wissing. This is still
perhaps my top favorite. The flowers this year were almost double,
although I primarily like the semi-doubles that this plant can
throw. It is notable for blooming quite a bit ahead of other
full-flowered peonies, lasts forever as a cut flower, has stems
like a tree, and is long lasting on the bush as well. Always
performs well for me, which is not the case for me with all my
other peonies. It is the earliest of the peonies I grow that I
really look forward to. Worth searching out. (Klehm,
'Etched Salmon' by Lyman Cousins Perhaps
the best of the wonderful Cousins things, and perhaps the most
attractive of ALL hybrid creamy pinks, in my humble opinion. When
will this peony get the Gold Medal? It deserves it. Always
expensive because frustrating crown structure makes for few
Mathews' bought from Saunders by Kreckler. This is
new for me. It used to show up on many "My Favorite 20
Peonies" lists (see '75years of APS') which is why I tried
it. A very nice 5 row single(semi-double)brilliant red that I just
loved. Perhaps hard to locate,(Caprice?) but really worth growing.
Fairly early among the hybrids.
'Salmon Dream' David
wonderful plant habit, and a standout color-wise wherever we saw
it blooming this season. Relatively new, and hard to locate
because of high demand, but sure to become more common in the
Honorable Mentions:
'Coral Sunset' My
favorite coral.
'Command Performance' Large, sturdy,
and so far quite reliable among the big double hybrids, not all of
which do well for me here. From Don Hollingsworth.
Bouquet' Unique in form, parentage, and foliage, and quite
early. Good early season interest.
Finally nice for me this year. Unique because of how VERY EARLY
(despite what descriptions say) this is for any double, especially
a white. Blooms with Roselette. Not the greatest foliage later in
the season, however.
'Pink Derby' One lacti that
does well for me here, but paradoxically may not do well for some
others in more conventional growing areas. Appears on many "My
Favorite Peonies" lists. Fairly expensive, apparently because
of demand. Bob J.
Robert Johnson on
y!groups #2956
Sunset. (Wissing) Tallish. Hybridized by the same fellow
who originated Coral Charm. Semi-double coral color that fades
to a good yellow for me. A good grower and moderate increaser.
I would choose this over Coral Charm. It highly resembles Pink
Hawaiian Coral here.
Etched Salmon. (Cousins)
Tallish. The most famous cv originated by Lyman Cousins. A
beautiful creamy pink hybrid double. Frequently mentioned as an
inevitable Gold Medal winner. Doomed to be expensive because
its' "up-stem" crown structure makes it difficult and
frustrating to get many divisions from, even from older plants.
Just barely adventitious. Pictures you see of this variety
always show it in its quite distinctive early opening stage,
where the inner petals are cupped by the outer guard petals. It
does go on to form an open rose shape. Really beautiful.
Dream. (Reath) Shorter. Another hybrid pink with flowers from
semi-double to double on the same plant. Flowers sit near the
foliage. The most beautiful peony as far as plant habit and
bush form of any I grow. Particularly beautiful foliage with
leafs to the ground. As Don H. would say, "A pleasing
presentation in the garden". A very good grower and
rapid increaser. Adventitious here, although registration says
it is not. Quite easy to divide. Despite its quick growth rate
and easy division, this cv remains difficult to find for sale
because of, I assume, high on-site demand and back orders at
the nurseries that grow it. Cut roots back short when planting
this cv (especially for propagation) to assure a good
symmetrical root structure. Don is selling it this year. No one
will regret owning this cv. Again, great for garden and mixed
border placement.
Pink Derby. (Bigger) Shortish.
Pink. I bought this lacti variety because it shows up on SO
many of the "My Favorite Garden Peonies" lists of
the "Pro" gardeners who grow a zillion different
varieties. This was my first year to get blooms, but it
certainly was a favorite of mine this year. Again, high demand
may make this cv very difficult to locate! Supposedly very
distinctive in shape, but I do not grow enough lactis to have much
to compare it with. Try New Peony Farm.
Charm. (Wissing) Tallish. OK, so this MAY actually be a
mystery peony: I had to use many sources to try and identify
it. Seemingly overshadowed by the other coral Wissing things,
and another with that same frustrating 'Etched Salmon' style of
crown development. Blooms early with the hybrid singles, but of
much more substance than most at that time of the season. Like
a 7-9 row single with a charming open center. A distinct shade of
pink, with terrifically strong thick stems. Moderate increase.
This is the first peony of the season that I REALLY look
forward to seeing, because of its particularly pleasing flower
form. Again, hard to find perhaps because of difficulty with
division. Klehm has it this year, and A+D carried it in the
past. I am propagating it at home. Will I actually have to
order one from Klehm to be totally certain of its identity?
de Wilde 2007
