Paeonia potaninii var. trollioides (Stapf ex F. C. Stern) F. C. Stern

type: [tree peony] – [species] – [synonym]

accepted name:

Paeonia delavayi var. angustiloba f. trollioides


synonym of P. delavayi (Hong 1996)


description of Stern:

P.Potanini var. trollioides (Stapf ex F. C. Stern) F. C. Stern, var. nov. in Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 68, 125 (1943).Syn. P.trollioides Stapfex F. C. Stern in Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 56, 77 (1931), et in New Flora and Silva, 3, 279,c.ic. (1931). P.Forrestii trollioides Saunders in Nat. Hort. Mag., Washington, 13, t., P.220 (1934).

Description. Differs from P.Potanini in that the segments and lobes are more oblong and shortly acuminate, the yellow flowers do not open widely and are shaped more like the flower of a Trollius. It has a more erect growth and larger follicles.

Distribution. western china : Bei Ma Shan, Mekong-Yangtse Divide, 11,000 ft. in open stony pastures, Forrest 13195 (E). tibet : Tsekou, Monbeig (P) ; vicinity of Yunnan-sen, Maire 2134 (K).

This paeony was described by Stapfin MS. as P.trollioides from cultivated specimens grown under the Forrest number 13195 and from Forrest's specimen 13195 in the Edinburgh Herbarium. The unpublished description was found among his papers after his death. The Edinburgh specimen, Forrest's 13195, has no flowers and is difficult to distinguish from some specimens of P.Potanini except by its more erect growth. Cultivated specimens raised from Forrest's seed may be easily distinguished ; the yellow trollius-like flowers, standing above the foliage, and the erect growth easily distinguish this plant from P.Potanini. In Stapf's MS. he also quoted another specimen, Forrest No. 12565, which examination appears to have a pink flower, though Forrest described it as dull golden yellow, differing from P.Potanini only in the erect growth. In the Paris Herbarium there is a specimen collected by Pere Monbeig at Tsekou, Tibet, which is probably this variety. The differences between this form and the typical P.Potanini do not appear to me to be sufficient to justify its treatment as a separate species ; I prefer to regard it as a variety.

It is a charming garden plant and more effective than most plants of P.lutea, since the flower stands up so well above the foliage. It is of the easiest culture in sun or shade and flowers in England towards the end of May ; like P.Potanini it increases rapidly by stolons.




Paeonia Potanini Komarov var. trollioides (Stapf ex P. C, Stern) F. C. Stern in Journ.

Roy. Hort. Soc., LXVIII. 125 (1943); Stud. Gen. Paeonia, 50, cum fig. (1946).

Paeonia trollioides Stapf ex P. C. Stern in Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc., LVI. 77 (1931); in New Flora & Silva, III. 279, c.ic. (1931).

Paeonia Forrestii trollioides Saunders in Nat. Hort. Mag., Washington, XIII. 200, t. (1934).

S. W. Szechuan: S. Muli (T. T. Yu, 5560); wa-chin-sze, S. Muli (T. T. Yu, 6003),

Yunnan: Wen-pc-shan, Likiang Hsien (T. T. Yu, S143a); Shaping-szc, Likiang Hsien (T. T. Yu, 5/60); Fang-tze-lan, Wei-hsi Hsien (T. T. Yu,8794).

This variety differs from the type in yellow flowers. Its distribution is confined to southwestern Szechuan and Yunnan, usually in thickets at2500 to 3000 metres in altitude.


Hong's references:http://flora.harvard.edu/china/novon/hong85-4.html


Paeonia delavayi Franch., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 33: 382. 1886. TYPE: China. NW Yunnan: Lijiang (Likiang), Delavay 1142 (holotype, P; isotype, K)......

Paeonia potaninii var. trollioides (Stapf ex Stern) Stern, Stud. Paeonia 50. 1946. TYPE: China. NW Yunnan: Deqen, Baima Shan, Mekong-Yangtse divide, 11,000 ft., open stony pastures, Forrest 13195 (holotype, E).....


Wang's references:


P. potaninii Komarov var. trollioides Stapf ex F.C.Stern. Found in forests at 2600 - 2900m in Sichuan, 0.7m - 1.3m high; fragrant golden flowers sometimes with red interior petals. Also found in mountains in Yunnan at 1950 - 2500m.


HONG De-Yuan & PAN Kai-Yu Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 37(4):351-368(1999)

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