Paeonia 'My Love'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [herbaceous hybrid]



MY LOVE (Don Hollingsworth, Kansas City, Missouri), April 15, 1992. Seedling #Hollingsworth 1860. Parentage Moon of Nippon x Cytherea. Bloomed before 1980. Double hybrid, of lactiflora type, pearlescent white, has a conical form with no stamens or seeds. It is medium tall, 34" with good stem strength. Prolific flowering on dark green strong bush. Mid- late bloom right after mid-season hybrids. Bulletin #282. June, 1992.

My Love (Hollingsworth 1992) ML.  Full double; many well rounded petals form a substantial flower, blush or mother-of-pearl white on opening, soon passing to all white.  Mildly fragrant.  Strong grower, of notably rapid increase, flowers well on young plants.  Medium tall, stoutly erect, abundant flowering, a fine performer for landscape or cutting.  One of the most tolerant of adverse growing conditions among all the peonies we have grown.  (Nippon Gold x Cytherea). 

My Love (Hollingsworth, 1992) Pearl white, double, mild fragrance, midseason, 34" tall, lactiflora cultivar. A strong growing bush that stands up to weather. The pearl flower fades to white.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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