Paeonia 'Félix Crousse' /same as 'Victor Hugo '??

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] – [lactiflora]



Paeonia sinensis. Gefüllt und halbgefüllt:


Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Double Peonies, page 32.

*Félix Crousse. (Crousse, 1881.) 8.4 (Sym. 1921). Syn., Victor Hugo. Red.

Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]

FELIX CROUSSE. fay-leex-crooss'. (Crousse, 1881.) 8.4.

Double type; large; late midseason. Brilliant crimson of even tone and silky luster; poor fragrance. Medium height; very floriferous; stems weak. Foliage good.

Has weak stems which need support. Its very clear crimson color makes no pretensions to scarlet. One of the best red varieties.

"For a red, it is hard to beat in color."—Boyd.

"Compact, globular bloom of good form; outer or guard petals are wider than central petals, and as bloom develops these petals flex outward and central petals still keep their convex form."—Thurlow.

FELIX CROUSSE (Crousse, 1881) - Syn. Victor Hugo Double - Red - Late Midseason. Medium height. Poor fragrance. Large, brilliant crimson of even tone and silky luster; very floriferous; stems weak. Foliage good. Has weak stems which need support. Its very clear crimson color makes no pretensions to scarlet. One of the best red varieties. M.

Felix Crousse, [ P. sinensis c) Gefüllt und halbgefüllt blühende Pracht-Pfingstrosen 1. Grundton rot] hell weinrot, mfr.

'Félix Crousse' /Félix Crousse/1881

FELIX CROUSSE (Crousse, 1881). C'est une ancienne variété qui a toujours sa place au premier plan. Son rouge teinté framboise reste un des plus classiques. Grande fleur anémone en boule très belle et florifère. Mi-saison. H. 0,85 m.

Bloom Period: Week 5

Fragrance: No

Side Buds: Occasional

Comments: Officially described as "brilliant crimson", the flower colour to my eye is more like that of raspberry Not a very romantic description but don't discount this peony. This colour is a wonderful foil for pale pink peonies such as ‘Sea Shell’ or ‘Bernice Carr’.

The plant produces numerous tidy flowers, each with a wide collar of guard petals and a tightly packed centre.

© 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust

Raspberry Red, bomb-type double, midseason, 32" tall, lactiflora cultivar A dependable attractive red flower. Color is brilliant and of even tone with a silky luster. Still popular!

'Felix Crousse' (F Crousse 1881). Reichblühende, bewährte Sorte in Violettrot mit silbernem Schimmer


FELIX CROUSSE (Crousse, France, 1881) Double, late midseason. Well formed, lustrous red double blooms. In the fall of 1986 we planted a great many peonies; 1987 was a year of record heat and hardly any rain, and losses were severe. This variety came through the drought with very few losses, demonstrating a root vigor and tenacity which helps to explain its continued popularity for over 100 years. Slender stems may need support in the garden, and are a little short for the cut flower trade, but this is an excellent variety for use as a cut flower in your home

peonies & seeds

peonies & seeds

Felix Crousse Bright red flowers shaped like a large ball with a collar of large guard petals. These are produced on upright stems from a neat clump of leaves. Easy to grow.


Felix Crousse: One of the best reds. Double carmine-red flowers bloom in abundance from this very floriferous cultivar. Stems are fairly weak, so staking is advised

Felix Crousse (Syn. Victor Hugo) (Crousse 1881), bright deep carmine red, silvered. Compact bomb type, incurved. Very large, in clusters. Specially useful for cut flowers, Medium height. Good foliage. ff.mvl.

'Felix Crousse' (Crousse, 1881),**,B, S,1-3/ 80-100,80,spät,karminrot,C2-3,Ausladend; Blüten sehr gefüllt.

'Félix Crousse' (Crousse 1881) : grande fl. double, rouge éclatant à carmin,coeur rubis

Margitta Stewart 2007:

Elizabeth Babb on webshots 2005:

© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop

Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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