type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
Paeonia sinensis. Gefüllt und halbgefüllt: |
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Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Double Peonies, page 32. *Félix Crousse. (Crousse, 1881.) 8.4 (Sym. 1921). Syn., Victor Hugo. Red. |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies] FELIX CROUSSE. fay-leex-crooss'. (Crousse, 1881.) 8.4. Double type; large; late midseason. Brilliant crimson of even tone and silky luster; poor fragrance. Medium height; very floriferous; stems weak. Foliage good. Has weak stems which need support. Its very clear crimson color makes no pretensions to scarlet. One of the best red varieties. "For a red, it is hard to beat in color."Boyd. "Compact, globular bloom of good form; outer or guard petals are wider than central petals, and as bloom develops these petals flex outward and central petals still keep their convex form."Thurlow. |
FELIX CROUSSE (Crousse, 1881) - Syn. Victor Hugo Double - Red - Late Midseason. Medium height. Poor fragrance. Large, brilliant crimson of even tone and silky luster; very floriferous; stems weak. Foliage good. Has weak stems which need support. Its very clear crimson color makes no pretensions to scarlet. One of the best red varieties. M. |
Felix Crousse, [ P. sinensis c) Gefüllt und halbgefüllt blühende Pracht-Pfingstrosen 1. Grundton rot] hell weinrot, mfr. |
'Félix Crousse' /Félix Crousse/1881 FELIX CROUSSE (Crousse, 1881). C'est une ancienne variété qui a toujours sa place au premier plan. Son rouge teinté framboise reste un des plus classiques. Grande fleur anémone en boule très belle et florifère. Mi-saison. H. 0,85 m. |
Bloom Period: Week 5 Fragrance: No Side Buds: Occasional Comments: Officially described as "brilliant crimson", the flower colour to my eye is more like that of raspberry Not a very romantic description but don't discount this peony. This colour is a wonderful foil for pale pink peonies such as Sea Shell or Bernice Carr. The plant produces numerous tidy flowers, each with a wide collar of guard petals and a tightly packed centre. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
Raspberry Red, bomb-type double, midseason, 32" tall, lactiflora cultivar A dependable attractive red flower. Color is brilliant and of even tone with a silky luster. Still popular! |
'Felix Crousse' (F Crousse 1881). Reichblühende, bewährte Sorte in Violettrot mit silbernem Schimmer |
Sevald: |
FELIX CROUSSE (Crousse, France, 1881) Double, late midseason. Well formed, lustrous red double blooms. In the fall of 1986 we planted a great many peonies; 1987 was a year of record heat and hardly any rain, and losses were severe. This variety came through the drought with very few losses, demonstrating a root vigor and tenacity which helps to explain its continued popularity for over 100 years. Slender stems may need support in the garden, and are a little short for the cut flower trade, but this is an excellent variety for use as a cut flower in your home |
Felix Crousse Bright red flowers shaped like a large ball with a collar of large guard petals. These are produced on upright stems from a neat clump of leaves. Easy to grow. |
Felix Crousse: One of the best reds. Double carmine-red flowers bloom in abundance from this very floriferous cultivar. Stems are fairly weak, so staking is advised |
Felix Crousse (Syn. Victor Hugo) (Crousse 1881), bright deep carmine red, silvered. Compact bomb type, incurved. Very large, in clusters. Specially useful for cut flowers, Medium height. Good foliage. ff.mvl. |
'Felix Crousse' (Crousse, 1881),**,B, S,1-3/ 80-100,80,spät,karminrot,C2-3,Ausladend; Blüten sehr gefüllt. |
'Félix Crousse' (Crousse 1881) : grande fl. double, rouge éclatant à carmin,coeur rubis |
Margitta Stewart 2007: |
Elizabeth Babb on webshots 2005: |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |