type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
PINK HAWAIIAN CORAL -Roy Klehm. June 25,1981. Seedling #F7; semi-double hybrid, parentage Charlie's White x Otto Froebel; first bloomed 1972. Pink coral, semidouble, good substance, stamens, pollen, fragrant, no seeds, good amount of bloom; 36-inch height, early, good foliage, excellent stem strength. Cupped and rounded double and triple row of guard petals holding on attractive coral and pinkish array of petals. The semidouble blooms are especially becoming with their golden stamens. |
PINK HAWAIIAN CORAL(F)(EM)(Roy Klehm) Large, cup shaped double coral, a more instensely bright shade that the other corals; cream carpels and yellow stamens peek through the center; vigorous with tall stems about 38 inches, |
Pink Hawaiian Coral (R. Klehm 1981) EM. Semi-double; light salmon pink, cupped guards, with near full center of smaller petals the same color, very few stamens, fragrant. A good grower, medium height, erect stems make an excellent presentation in the landscape. No fertility noted. |
PINK HAWAIIAN CORAL Flower type: PeonySemi-double Size: 36" Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Early, Hybrid Hybridizer: Roy G. Klehm
Marvelous coral semi-double with rounded petals that form a fine rose shape around delicate yellow stamens and cream colored carpels. Mounded foliage. Fragrant.
PINK HAWAIIAN CORAL A flower the colour of the coral pink of the Hawaiian Islands, that fades to a softer shade. The carpel and stamens are surrounded by several rows of petals, forming a deep,narrow flower. Great for picking. Strong stems - no need for staking. C.Double, Early, 80cm. PINK HAWAIIAN CORAL Coral, Double, Early, No staking. 80cm. A flower the colour of the coral of the Hawaiian Islands that fades to a soft pink. |
PINK HAWAIIAN CORAL, Klehm (USA), 1981, Hybrid Paeonia lactiflora 'Charlie's White' x P. peregrina 'Otto Froebel', Very large, light salmon pink (coral) flowers. A center of relatively few dark yellow stamens. Comparable to the other Coral-varieties from our collection, but first flowering of all and noticeably different by the redder opening than the others and the clear scent. 'Pink Hawaiian Coral' was aptly named; after the color of the coral of the Hawaiian Islands. Sidebuds present. Very vigorous and tall growing. Awarded with the APS Gold Medal in 2000. PINK
HAWAIIAN CORAL, Klehm (USA), 1981, |
Pink Hawaiian Coral (Roy Klehm, 1981) Coral, semi-double, fragrant, early, 34" tall, hybrid. Opens a redder coral than other corals, with notched petal edges and a center of yellow stamens. APS Gold Medal Winner 2000. |
(+2) Tropical beauty of a coral reef colour in·our northern gardens! Marvelous semi-double flowers of a rose form. Splendid rose-coral colour with a nice golden center. As the flower ages, the color fades gradually to become a very light coral, almost cream. It leads the show in the garden with flowers of a multitude range of colour's pattern on a mature plants! Good foliage and strong stems able to support the large flowers without support. Bloom at the beginning of mid-season. Tall plant of more than 90 cm. Fragrant. Award winner of the gold medal from the American Peony Society in 2000. What else can you ask? (+2) Une beauté tropicale à la couleur des récifs de coraux dans nos jardins nordiques ! Superbes fleurs semi-doubles dont la forme ressemble à celle d'une rose. Couleur magnifique, d'un beau rose corail avec un centre doré. Au fur et à mesure que la fleur prend de l'âge, elle se décolore graduellement pour prendre une teinte corail très pâle, presque crème. Offre donc un très beau spectacle lorsque le plant porte une multitude de fleurs aux différents dégradés de couleurs. Beau feuillage et tiges fermes qui portent bien les fleurs, sans besoin de tuteur. Floraison en début de mi-saison. Plant de près d'un mètre de haut. Fleurs parfumées. Gagnante de la médaille d'or de l'American Peony Society en 2000. Quoi demander de plus ? |
PINK HAWIIAN CORAL:Large, pink and coral cupped semi-double fragrant flowers. Strong 36" stems, Early A top class coral pink hybrid so much in demand now. |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Elizabeth Babb on webshots 2005: |
In der Sonne bleicht die Farbe bis zu cremeweiß total aus.
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |