Paeonia 'Reine Amelie'
type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [Suffruticosa without specification]
PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, ed. by James Boyd, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society: Tree Peony Check-list. Louis Paillet, Chatenay (Seine), France. Special peony list about 1889 or later. J. B. Paillet, 1827-1865. L. Paillet, 1865-1890. L. Paillet fils, 1890-1906. Arthur Brochet Sue., 1907. Reine Amélie. Double (1889.) offered by Dessert 1905; Paillet 1889 as new. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.) |
Rivière (1995): |
'Reine Amelie' Gefüllt. Sorte mit großen, vollgefüllten, schalenförnügen Blüten, leuchtend karminrosa, violett getönt. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |