type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
Spiffy (Roy G. Klehm) July 15, 1999 Seedling #KR46-37. Japanese lactiflora. Fuchsia red/pinkish tan 5" flowers. Fuchsia red guard petals and a pinkish tan center with a few center petaloids matching the guard petals. No stamens, pollen or seed. 1-3 buds per stem, good substance, fragrant. 28" in height, midseason bloom. |
(Songsparrow): Flower type: PeonyJapanese Size: 28" Bloom time: Mid Hybridizer: William Krekler-Roy G. Klehm Alluring color contrast of fuchsia-red and softest pink cream with a sprinkling of matching fuchsia petaloides in the blossom center. Fragrant. |
Pour mettre du punch dans votre jardin. Une japonaise qui se fait remarquer par sa couleur provocante. Les pétales de garde dun superbe rose fuschia entourent le centre de la fleur de couleur crème avec des touches fuschia. Très beau contraste. Fleur parfumée. Mesure environ 75 cm. Floraison mi-saison. Superbe japonaise ! Punchy accent in the garden ! A Japanese flower extremely attractive contrasting colors. Fuschia guard petals surround a large center of creamy petaloids with fuschia accents. Beautiful contrasting colors. Fragrant flowers. Plant of 75 cm. Mid-season bloomer. Splendid! |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |