Paeonia wittmanniana Hartwiss ex Lindl. var. macrophylla (Albow) Busch ex Grossheim

Fl. Kavkaza, 2, 91 ; 1930

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species] – [synonym]

accepted name (2005):

P. wittmanniana subsp macrophylla (Albow) D.Y. Hong




12. Paeonia Wittmanniana var. macrophylla sect. PAEON SUBSECT. foliolatae wittmanniana GROUP

12. P.Wittmanniana Hartw. ex Lindl. var. macrophylla (Albow) Busch ex Grossheim, Fl. Kavkaza, 2, 91 (1930); F.C. Stern in Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 68, 126 (1943). Syn. P.Wittmanniana subsP.macrophylla (Albow) Busch, I.e. 224 (1903).P.Wittmanniana forma macrophylla (Albow) Busch in Kusnezow, Busch & Fomin, Mat. Fl. Caw. Crit. 3, iii. 13 (1901). P.corallina var. Wittmanniana f. macrophylla Albow, Prodr. Fl. Colchicas {Trud. Tiflis Bot. Soda, 1, Suppl.), 15 (1895). P.macrophylla (Albow) Lomakin in Trud. Tiflis Bot. Sada, 2, 282 (1897) ; Komarov, Fl. U.R.S.S. 7, 30 (1937).

Description. Differs from P.Wittmanniana by the larger leaflets and glabrous carpels.

Distribution. western caucasus : province of Abkhazia, Mount Tchakvis above village of Agava, 800-1000 metres, Albow 161 (K), 162 (L).

Paeonia Wittmanniana var. macrophylla differs from P.Wittmanniana in possessing very large leaflets measuring up to 24 cm. long by 15 cm. wide, whereas the average leaflets on a lower leaf of P.Wittmanniana measure up to 17 cm. long by 9-5 cm. wide. The original description was made by Albow (I.e.), who said this paeony differed from all other paeonies by the very large shining leaves—the dimensions being given as 15-24 cm. long and (10)-i2-i6-5 cm. wide with large white (?) expanded petals and carpels quite glabrous. Albow's specimen in the Kew Herbarium and a specimen from the Leningrad Herbarium—the only wild specimens to be founds—have neither flowers nor fruit. Lomakin (I.e.) says " the carpels . . . puberulous or glabrous " and in the Flora U.R.S.S. (I.e.) the petals are described as particularly large and the fruits glabrous.

A paeony under the name of P.macrophylla was received at Highdown from the Tiflis Botanical Garden, via Kew. This has very large leaflets, 22 cm. long by 11-5 cm. wide, but in all other respects it resembles P.Wittmanniana and has tomentose carpels.

P. Wittmanniana var. macrophylla has been recorded only from the most southerly station of P.Wittmanniana var. nudicarpa at the western end of the Caucasus range ; it would appear to be a geographical form of P.Wittmanniana var. nudicarpa confined to that area.




P.Wittmanniana Hartwiss ex Lindl in Bot reg. XXXII t.9(1846). - P. abchasica Mischz ex Grossheim II, 92 - Schipczinsiki Fl. SSSR, VII 29(1937) [3].

Wurzel spnidelförmig; Stiel bis l m hoch. Blattsegmente elliptisch- lanzettlich, meist etwas scharf, untere Fläche des Blattes mehr oder weniger mit den Härchen bedeckt; Blätter grösser 8-15(24) cm lang, 4,5- 10(16,5) cm breit; obere Fläche dunkel- grün, untere blass. Blüten gelb oder weisslich- gelb. Blütenblätter 4- 6 cm lang. Fruchtblätter ungefähr 3 cm lang mit Härchen.

Kav.: Krtl., Klch.: Abch, Kut., Adsch., Per.: Smch (westl. Teil). Bis zur mittleren Gebirgszone. In Bergwäldern.

Klass. Standort: Atzchuri, Geogr. Typ: Kolchida(Landkarte 6).

Var. nudicarpa Schipcz. - Fruchtblätter ohne Härchen. Blätter 8- 15 cm lang. Sie wächst zusammen mit der typischen Form.

Var. macrophylla (Alb.) N.Busch [= P. macrophylla Lomak in: Tr. Tifl. Bot. sada II, 282(1897)] - Lipskij, 213- Schipczinskij Fl. SSSR, VU, 30(1937); P. corallina v. Wittmanniana f. macrophylla Albov in Tr. Tifl. Bot. sada, I priloz. 1-e, 15(1895)- Fruchtblätter ohne Härchen , Blätter sehr gross 12- 24 cm lang. Vor allem in Adscharien.


 © Übersetzung aus demRussischen Dr.Carsten Burkhardt




Paeonia macrophylla (N. Alb.) Lomak.

Lomakin in "Trudi of Tifl. Bot. Sad" II (1897) 282, Lipsky "Fl. Cauc." (1899) 213; Komarov and Schipsky in "Fl. USSR" VII (1937) 30.

Syn. P. corallina. var. Wittmanniana forma Macrophylla N. Alb. Prodr. Fl. Colchid. (1895) 15; P. Wittmanniana Stev., forma macrophylla (N. Alb.) N. Bush in Fl. Cauc. critica III, 3 (1901-1903) 13; P. Wittmanniana Hartwis ex Lindl. var. macrophylla (N. Alb.) N. Bush ex Grossheim, "Fl. Cauc." 2 (1930) 91, F. C. Stern in Journ. Royal. Hort. Soc. 68 (1943) 126; L. Kemularia-Natadze in "Fl. Gruzia" IV (1948) 6; Grossheim, Opred. (1949) 44, Fl. Cauc. IV (1950) 13; Stern, A Study of the Gen. Paeonia in Royal Hortic. Soc. (1946) 59; P. Wittmanniana, Kolakovsky "Fl. Abch." II (1939) 121 pp.




P. wittmanniana var. macrophylla (Albow 1901-1903) Busch ex Grossheim, 1930.

Synonyms: wittmanniana subsp. macrophylla (Albow) Busch, 1903; wilt-manniana i. macrophylla (Albow) Busch, 1901; corallina var. wittmannaniana f. macrophylla Albow, 1895; and, macrophylla (Albow) Lomakin, 1897.

This is the plant known in American gardens as "macrophylla." It is found in the western Caucasus. It is easily distinguished by its very large leaves which some say have an odor like box. The flowers are globular, very early and quite fleeting. They are white, or milky white rather than yellow. Its hybrids inherit the large foliage and the earliness. Tetraploid —20 chromosomes.


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