type: [tree peony] [lutea hybrid]
AUTUMN HARVEST (Bill Seidl, Manitowoc, Wisconsin), April 13, 1989. Seedling #SH-42 (also has been labeled AL-42). Double shrub hybrid. Parentage Golden Era x Alice Harding. First bloomed 1987. Straw- yellow flowers, inherit doubleness of Alice Harding and light red flecking and edging of Golden Era. Strong, vigorous, upright stems. Fertile pollen. Height 2U2-3 ft. Clumped quickly as a seedling bearing six flowers in first bloom year as a 5-yr-old. Name and initials reflect flower color and pollen parent (same initials). |
Theresa Griesbach: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |