type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
CHIFFON PARFAIT - Roy Klehm - Charles Klehm and Son Nursery, January 2, 1981. Parentage: Line bred Mons. Jules Elie x President Taft seedlings; first bloomed 1950; seedlings #838D. Double lactiflora, soft salmon pink, ball form, no stamens, pollen or seeds, fragrant, excellent reliability, and good substance. Unusual soft shell salmon pink, very late, heavy petalage in blossoms with unusual round ball-shaped blooms. Strong stems with excellent foliage, 36 inches. Cut and show flower usefulness. Four buds per stem. Plant patent applied for. |
CHIFFON PARFAIT Pink, Double, Late, Fragrant. 90cm. Softest blush pink is the colour of this fully double late flowering fragrant peony. CHIFFON PARFAIT Softest blush pink is the colour of this fully double late flowering fragrant peony. Has great value both in the garden and for the house. A peony which appredates a little afternoon shade. Pink Double, Late, fragrant, 90cm. |
CHIFFON PARFAIT Flower type: PeonyDouble Size: 34" Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Late Hybridizer: Roy G. Klehm
Finely formed pink bud opens to very pale, shell pink blossom. Foliage is an attractive kelly green and makes a strong, tall bush.
The classical double flower but on a very strong plant! This late bloomer constitutes an excellent choice to extend the season of your peony garden. Chiffon Parfait bears beautiful double flowers of a soft salmon-pink colour. Many rows of tights petals give to this flower a ball form. Very floriferous. Each stem bears many bud's flower. Robust plant with strong upright stems. Fragrant. Late to very late bloomer. Height 90 cm. A dream plant either for the garden or for the cut flowers. La fleur double classique mais sur un plant robuste! Sa floraison tardive en fait un excellent choix pour prolonger la saison de votre jardin de pivoines. Chiffon Parfait porte de belles fleurs d'un rose saumon très doux. Multiples rangs de pétales portés très serrés donnant la forme d'une boule à la fleur. Très florifère. Chaque tige porte plusieurs bourgeons de fleurs. Plant robuste aux tiges fermes et érigées mais pourrait nécessiter un support en cas de pluie intense. Parfumées. Floraison tardive à très tardive. Plant de 90 cm. Une pivoine de rêve autant pour le jardin que pour la fleur coupée. |
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have a row of Chiffon Parfait (50 plants) but they flowered only
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |