type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
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CARNATION BOUQUET (Bill Seidl), Manitowoc, Wisconsin, July 9, 1996. Seedling #DPSW-1. Parentage, Blushing Princess x Sparkling Windflower. First bloomed about 1985. Pink hybrid, good substance, reliable, one bud per stem, seeds. This pink double flower has petals tending to be of uniform size, giving the flower a carnation-like appearance. Clove scent, but warm humid conditions are needed to release it. Small, 4-5" flowers are in scale with thin stems that bend but still provide adequate support. Vigorous, new division establishes quickly, producing 30+ stems per clump. Eventually measuring 30" high x 48" wide. |
Pink, double, midseason, fragrant, 32" tall, hybrid. Petals of uniform size give a carnation appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. Unusual bud turns into a swan |
Carnation looking! This peony produce pretty double flowers with petals arrangement looking like the flower carnation. The flower is of a vivid rose, very bright. One flower per stem. Stems strong supporting the flowers without support. Very easy to grow peony with a pretty foliage. Plant of 85 cm. Strongly spicy fragrance. Produce few seeds and own an interesting genetic for the breeders : (Blushing Princess X Sparkling Windflower). An almost perfect note for the whole plant. New and hard to fin perennial! Semblable à un oeillet! Cette pivoine porte de jolies petites fleurs doubles dont la forme rappelle celle dun oeillet, doù son nom ¨Carnation¨. La fleur est dun rose vif, très lumineux. Une seule fleur par tige. Tiges assez fortes et ne nécessitant pas de support ici. Facile de culture avec un très beau feuillage qui conserve sa tenue et sa beauté durant toute la saison. Plant de 85 cm. Fleurs au parfum épicé. Produit quelques graines et possède une génétique intéressante pour les hybrideurs: (Blushing Princess X Sparkling Windflower). La plante en général est impeccable. Une nouveauté, assez rare sur le marché. Parmi mes préférées cette année. |
discussion on Yahoo-groups [peony] May 2004: |
Art Wilder Zone 5, Maine: Carnation Bouquet is one of my favorite peonies- for it's spicy fragrance. I have to have a sniff every time I go past it when it's in bloom (but my sense of smell isn't very good!). I'm glad Joshua Scholten has it, I always thought it would make a good cut flower because of it's fragrance. |
Robert Johnson on y!groups #5468 |
Re: [peony] Favorites for 2001 Gang,
As you may know, I grow mostly herbacious hybrids, so my
"favorites" do not include many of the lactis. They, for
some strange reason, do not seem
wonderful plant habit, and a standout color-wise wherever we saw
it blooming this season. Relatively new, and hard to locate
because of high demand, but sure to become more common in the
future. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |