Paeonia corallina Retzius
Obs. Bot. 3, 34 1783
type: [herbaceous peony] – [species] – [synonym]
accepted name (2005): |
P.mascula Miller ssp. mascula Stearn & Davis |
1859 |
P. corallina (Retz. Obs. III, p. 32) foliis duplic. ternatis glabris rarius subtus puberulis, foliolis distinctis elliptico-oblongis integris terminali basi cuneato, floribus roseis, carpellis tomentosis horizontaliter patentibus #. Ic. Rchb. fig. 4745. Hab. in Tauro Cilicico ad Gülek Boghas (Ky. exs. 282! sub P. Russi), monte Cassio Syriae bor. (Boiss!), Armenia Rossica (Szow!), Persia bor. ad Mendjil (Buhse!). Fl. fine veris. (beta). triternata. Foliola ovato-orbiculata saepe subcordata obtusa aut vix acuta. P. triternata Pall. Nov. Act. Pelr. X, p. 312. P. Daurica Anders. Bot. Mag. tab. 1441! Hab. in Asia minori (Auch. exs. 4019!), Tauro Cilicico (Bal!), sylvis Amani Syrise bor. (Ky!), Tauria (MB.), prov. Talysch ad Lenkoran (Hoh!). Non videtur a P. corallina specifice differre. P. Russi Biv. videtur quo-que varietas foliis subtus puberulis ejusdem speciei. Ar. Geogr. Europa media et australis. |
1884 |
17. P. corallina, Retz., Obs. iii., 34; Anders., Monogr., No. 6 ; DC, Prodr., i., 65 ; Reich., Ic. Germ., tab. ia8, fig. 4745; Engl, Bot., tab. 1513, 3d edit., t. 50. P. mascula, Miller, Gard. Dict., edit. vi.. No. i.— Tubers of the root fusiform. Stem 3—3 feet long, glabrous, never more than 1-headed. Leaves 5—6 to a stem, glabrous on both sides, moderately firm in texture, dark green above, pale green beneath, the lower simply biternate, with nine distinct oblong acute segments, the side ones 1—1 ½ inch broad, the end one sometimes 3 inches broad, and reaching a length of 3—4 inches. Peduncle short, so that the flowers do not much overtop the leaves. Outer sepals foliaceous, lanceolate, simple inner obtuse. Petals 6—8, obovate or suborbicular 2—3 inches long, crimson or rose-red. Follicles 3—4 rarely 5. spreading from the base when fully mature decurved, densely villose, it inch long; stigma small scarlet, folded together, recurved. Spread as a wild plant across Europe from France to Asia Minor. Not so well known in gardens as P. officinalis. In company with Russi and triternata it may be known from all the other species by its leaves, the segments of which, casual exceptions apart, are quite distinct from one another at the base, and nine in number in the fully developed lower leaves. |
1891 |
Huth |
Iconos: Loebel, obs. p. 860. flg. 1 (1576!), Matthiol ed. C. Bauh. p. 655. fig. 1 (1598!), Tabern., Krauterb. p.1171. fig. 1 (1687!), Blackwell, Herb. t. 245. Rchb, Germ. f. 4745 |
1946 |
Stern |
1947 |
1961 |
Kemularia-Nathadse |
Syn. P. corallina var. triternata Boiss. I. (1867) 97; Akinf. Fl. Centre Cauc. (1894) 50; Schmalg. Fl. Sredn. Juzn. Ross. (1895) 32; P. corallina ssp. triternata N. Busch in Fl. cauc. crit. III. 3,(1901) 10, P. corallina var. Pallasi Huth. Monogr. in Englers Bot. Jarhb. 14 (1891) 267; P. corallina Retz. in M. B. Fl. taur-cauc. 2 (1808) 10; |
1964 |
Cullen & Heywood |
(a) subsp. mascula Syn. P. corallina retz., Obs. Bot. 3: 34 (1783). |
1965 |
Davis & Cullen in Flora of Turkey |
subsp. mascula. Syn: P. corallina Retz., Obs. Bot. 3: 34 (1783); P. kevachensis Azn. in Mag. Bot. Lap. 16: 7 (1917); P. corallina var. caucasica Schipcz. in Not. Syst. Leningrad 2: 45 (1921)! P. caucasica (Schipcz.) Schipcz. in Fl. URSS 7: 28 (1937); P. corallina var. orientalis Thiéb., Fl. Lib.-Syr. 1: 37 (1936); P. arietina var. orientalis (Thieb.) Stern in J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 68:127 (1943); P. kurdistanica Zoháry in Pal. J. Bot., Jer. ser. 2:155 (1944). Ic.: Stern, Study of Paeonia 68-69 (1946). Fl. 4-6. Oak and beech scrub, rocky slopes, 1000-2200 m. |
1984 |
Stearn & Davis |
Passalaqua & Bernardo (2004) |
in The Genus Paeonia in Italy (2004) |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |