Paeonia decora Anderson

Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 12, 273 1818

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species] – [synonym]

accepted name (2005):

P. peregrina Miller


Anderson see the reference of Baker below




P. decora (Anders. Trans. Linn. XII. p. 273) foliis biternatis subtus puberulis vel glabratis, foliolis decurrentibus oblongo-lanceolatis trifidis laciniis tridentatis, floribus purpureis, carpellis tomentosis erectis apice recurvato-patulis #. P. Byzantina prior Clus. Hist I, p. 359. Hab. in Rumelia (Friv!), Thracia (Griseb.), Lydia in Sipylo (Bal!), Phrygia prope Ouchak (Bai!), Anatolia orientali boreali (Tchih! Wied!) Cypri montibus (Ky. exs. 701! sub P. corallina). Fl. vere.

Flos saepius folio florali eo longiori suffultus, foliorum segmenta eis P. peregrinae minora, ea P. paradoxae referentia, sed obtusiora et incisa dentataque. Cl. Anderson ea in vivo canaliculata esse dicit.





21. P. decora, Anders., Monogr., No. 9; DC., Prodr., i., 65 , Boiss., Fl. Orient., i., 98.—Stem 2—3 feet long, glabrous, not bearing more than a single flower. Leaves 5—6 to a stem, pale green or slightly glaucous, red at the margin, glabrous, or slightly pilose beneath, the segments numerous and very confluent, 30 —40 to the fully-developed leaves. Outer sepals broad and foliaceous. Petals 6—8, crimson, 1 1/2—2 inches long, and not more than an inch broad in our wild specimens.   Follicles 2—3, tomentose, ovoid, very thick, diverging widely when mature. The alliance of this is with P. arietina. I have not had the opportunity of studying it alive, and it has not been figured, but it is maintained by Boissier as a distinct species. Both the end and lowest side fegments of the fully developed leaves have five divitions, which run together so as to form a broad wing all the way up the midrib. Our wild dried specimens came from Anatolia and Servia. Andersen identifies it with the Paeonia byzantina of Clusius (Hist., p. 279), and says of it —" It is remarkable for the elegant stateliness of its habit, each stalk, accompanied by its horizontal leaves, diminishing as they ascend, and terminated by its flower (which is rather smaller than is usual in the genus), supported on a long peduncle, exhibits somewhat of a pyramidal figure. Its leaflets are constantly more or less longitudinally indexed or concave; in this respect it resembles the last described (humilis), but differs from it in the leaflets being broad and obtuse. The follicles arc less pubescent than those of the three following species (arielina, peregrina, and paradoxa), but more so than those of the preceding. They are very large, and at maturity diverge widely."




Sub-genus Paeon.

Herbaceous. Petals not leathery, large and expanding, much exceeding the sepals.

E. Leaves glaucous, or of very pale green above, generally of striking grey-green aspect; leaflets glaucous below, and very rarely without distinct pubescence, always divided, and with the lobes often fissured. (See figs. 30-33.)

I. Flowers distinctly stalked, not apparently sessile, and resting on the upper leaves.

** Carpels hairy.

+ Terminal free (stalked) divisions of the leaf usually three-lobed, with the middle lobe trifid. (See fig. 30.)

17. P. decora, Anders.

Stems 2 to 3 feet high. Leaves horizontal, diminishing to the top ; leaflets oblong-obtuse, longitudinally concave. Flower rather smaller than is usual in the genus, supported on a long peduncle (Anders.). Petals about eight, small and narrow. Carpels very large, spreading from the base when mature. Anatolia and Servia.

Anderson distinguishes two varieties—Pallasii, with leaves narrowly oblong, and elatior, with leaves broadly oblong. The plant grown as decora elatior may be recognised even in a weak state by having few processes of the disc, with a connection between the carpels at the base of similar surface and appearance to that of the carpels themselves. This connection between the carpels is found also in tritemata.




P. decora Anders., Monogr. p. 273. (1817) rhizomatis tuberibus oblongis, caulo glabro bipedali unifloro, f. subtus glabriusculis vel puberulis, biternatis, fff. medio profunde tripartito segmentis margine crenato-incisis, petalis suboctonis saturate purpureis, carpellis 2—3 albido-pubescentibus, suberectis demum patentibus, seminibus atropurpureis nitentibus.Floret Majo.

Synonyma: P. byzantina Clus. (1601; ex icone et loco!), P. romanica Brandza.

Icon Cluss., hist. I. p. 279; Parkins, Par.342. tab. 2?

Area geogr.: Peninasula Haemi.— Serbia in collibus ca. oppidum Nisch (1884, petrovicz HGB!); »Ba1kan» (sub nom. P. lobata, HGB!); Dobrudscha, Babadagh »Bergwälder um Cucurova« (Gebr. Sintenis 1872, HEB!); prope Byzantium (clusius 1601).


Ascherson & Graebner Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora 5, II, 546-558.Leipzig 1923


P. decora. Knollen länglich. Stengel etwa 6 dm hoch, kahl einblüthig. Blätter doppelt dreitheilig, unterseits fast kahl oder behaart; Abschnitte in der Mitte tief Slappig, die Lappen am Rande kerbig-eingeschnitten. Blumenblätter meist 8, lebhaft satt purpurn. Fruchtblätter 2 bis 3, weisslich behaart, fast aufrecht, zuletzt abstehend. Samen dunkelpurpurn, glänzend.

In Bergwäldern, nur in der Nähe des Gebiets in Serbien, dann in Bulgarien, Rumänien nnd Thrakien, sowie in Kleinasien und Cypern. Bei uns nicht selten in Botanischen und hie und da auch in Privatgärten. Bl. Mai, Juni.

P. decora Anders, in Transact. Linn. Soc. XH. 273 (1817), Huth in Engl. Jahrb. XIV. 269 (1891). Fritsch in Mitt. NV. Steierm. XLVI (1909) 321 (1910). Nym. Consp. 22 Suppl. 14. Richter-Gürke Pl. Eur. II. 401. — P. peregrina Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. 8 No. 3 (1768). Fritsch in Verh. Z. B. G. Wien XLIX. 240 (1899) UV. 93 ff. (1904) nicht den übrigen Schriftstellem. — P. lobata Desf. Tabl. écol. ed. I. 126 (1804) nur der Name. — P. romanica Brandza Prodr. Fl. Rom. 38 (1879); in Mem. Acad. Roman. 1882. c. t. Kanitz in Mag. Növ. Lap. VI. 85 (1882). Grecescu Consp. Fl. Rom. 43.

Wird auch zur Kreuzang von Gartenformen benutzt.




P.peregrina Miller Gard. Dict. Ed. 8, no. 3 (1768) ; Smith in Rees, Cycl. no. 5 (1819) ; Fritsch in Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 49, 240 (1899) ; Stapfin Bot. Mag. t. 8742 (1918) ; Garden, 82, 228, c. fig. (1918), 84, fig. P.351 (1920) ; F. C. Stem in Journ. Roy. Hart. Soc. 56, 72 (1931); F. C. Stern in ibid. 68, 129 (1943).

Syn. P.decora Anderson in Trans. Linn. Soc. 12, 273 (1818) ; Boissier, Fl. Orient. 1, 98 (1867) ; Kanitz, PI. Roman. 6, 3 (1879-81) ; Baker in Gard. Chron., N. Ser. 22, lo (1884) ; Garden, 31, 513, c. ic. (1887), 72, 291 (1908) ; Huth in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 14, 269 (1891) ; Velenovsky, Fl. Bulg. 16 (1891), Suppl. 1, n (1898) ; Gurke in Richter, PI. EuroP.2, 40 (1903) ; Adamovid in Engler & Drude, Veg. Erde, 11, 119, et al. t. 8 (1909) ; Ascherson & Graebner, Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 5, ii, 553 (1923) ; Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balcan. 1 (in Fedde, Rep.Sp.Nov. Beih. 30, i), 298 (1924)....


Davis & Cullen in Flora of Turkey


P. peregrina Miller, Gard. Dict., No. 3 (1768).

Syn: P. decora Anders. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 12: 273 (1818); P. officinalis sensu Bornm. in Feddes Rep. Beih. 89(1): 15 (1936), non L.


Stearn & Davis


P. peregrina Plate 3; Figs 12, 13,21,25

Paeonia byzantina Clusius, Har. PI. Hist. 279, fig. (1601).

P. peregrina Miller, Gard. Dict. ed. 8, art. Paeonia No. 3 (1768); Stapf in Curtis's Bot. Mag. 144: t. 8742 (1918): F.C. Stern. Study of Paeonia 97 (1946); Nyárády in Savulescu, Fl. Republ. Pop. Romane 2:404 (1953); Cullen & Heywood in Fl. Europ. 1:243 (1964); Davis & Cullen in Fl. Turkey, 1:206 (1965); Goulandris, Goulimis & Stearn, Wild Flowers of Greece, 22 t. (1968); Jordanov, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Bulgar. 4:219, t. 42 (1970); Tzanoudakis, Cytotaxon. Study of Paeonia in Greece, 39 (1977).

P. decora G. Anderson in Trans. Linnean Soc. London 12:73 (1818); Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balcan. 1:298 (1924).




Cullen & Heywood in Tutin: Flora Europaea


3. P. peregrina Miller, Gard. Dict. ed. 8, no. 3 (1768) (P. decora G. Anderson). Stems 35-50 cm, glabrous. Lower leaves divided into 17-30 narrowly elliptical segments, the ultimate segments short, broadly triangular, spreading, giving the apex of the leaflet a serrate appearance, sparsely villous to glabrous beneath, with minute bristles along the main veins above. Flowers 7-13 cm in diameter, dark red, less widely open than in other species. Filaments pink or red. Follicles 2 or 3, 2-3-5 cm, tomentose. 2n = 10, 20. Balkan peninsula, E. Romania, Moldavia; one station in C. Italy. Al Bu Gr It Ju Rm Rs(W) Tu.


decora-seedling obeserved in the garden of Mr. Klaus in Vienna: this plant has the same flowers as peregrina


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