Paeonia 'Duchesse of Marlborough'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [Japanese botan] - [renamed in Europe]

Osti (1997)

DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH. E una delle peonie più ammirate da chi visita il mio giardino, per i grandi fiori, doppi e sericei, di un bei rosa delicato che s'iscurisce al centro. Fogliame verde chiaro con bei colori autunnali. Fioritura mediana, tardiva.

Osti (1999)

DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH One of the peonies most admired by visitors to my garden. Flowers: delicate pink. darker at the centre; double, large, petals ruffled and silky, mid - season to late flowering. Leaves: pale green, beautiful autumnal colours.

Description: One of the finest. Huge flowers of pure bright flesh pink with silvery margins to the notched petals. (www.kelways.co.uk)

PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, EDITED BY JAMES BOYD, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society. Chapter: TREE PEONY CHECK-LIST.

Cardinal Vaughan. (Kelway & Son, 1890.) (Never widely distributed.)

remark: It is very probable, that this cultivar of the SUFFRUTICOSA-Group is a renamed imports.

Anmerkung: Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass diese der SUFFRUTICOSA-Gruppe eine umbenannte Sorte anderer Züchter ist

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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