Paeonia humilis var. villosa (Huth) F.C. Stern
Journ.Roy.Hort.Soc.68,129 . 1943
type: [herbaceous peony] [species] [synonym]
accepted name (2005): |
pro parte |
pro parte |
Stern (1946) |
41. P.humilis var. villosa (Huth) F.C. Stern, comb. nov. inJourn. Roy. Hort. Soc. 68, 129 (1943).Syn. P.feminea Mill. var. villosa (Desf.) Gurke in Richter, PI. EuroP.2, 402 (1903). P.hirsuta Jaume St. Hilaire, PI. France, 4, i, c. tab. (1809), non Mill. (1768). P.lobata Desfontaine ex Reichenbach, Ic. Fl. Germ. 4, t. 123 (1839). P.microcarpa Salm-Dyck, Hort. Dyck. 368 (1834). P.officinalis L. sec. Tenore, Fl. NaP.1, 300 (1815), non L. emend. Willd. P.officinalis subsp.euofficinalis Fiori & Paol. var. paradoxa (Anders.) Fiori & Paolletti, Fl. Anal. Ital. 1, 527 (1898).P.officinalis var. villosa Ascherson & Graebner, Syn. Mittelew. Fl. 5, ii, 555 (1923) ; Fiori, Nuovo Fl. Anal. Ital. 1,689 (1924).P.paradoxa Anderson in Trans.Linn.Soc.12, 280(1818); Baker in Gard.Chron.,N.Ser.21, 829(1884); Bailey, Stand.Cycl. Hort. 5, 2435 (1916).? P.paradoxa a. simpliciflora Anderson, I.e. 281 (1818) ; Tenore, Syll. Fl. NeaP.261 (1831).P.peregrina Mill. sec. Sims in Bot. Mag. t. 1050 (1807) ; Smith in Rees, Cycl. no. 5 (1819) ; Loiseleur Deslongchamps, Fl. Gall. 1, 386 (1828) ; Tenore, Viaggio Albruzzi, 71 (1828), Grenier & Godron, Fl. France, 1, 53 (1848) ; Pouzolz, Fl. Gard. 1, 33 (1856) ; Philippe, Fl. Pyrenees, 1, 28 (1859); Cusin & Ansberque, Herb. Fl. Franc. I, t. 154 (1867) ; Moggridge, Contrib. Fl. Mentone, t. 3 (1871) ; Baker in Gard. Chron., N. Ser. 21, 829 (1884) ; Loret & Barrandon, Fl. Montpellier, Ed. 2, P.18 (1886) ; non Mill.P.peregrina var. b DC. Fl. France, 5, (6), 643 (1815), pro parte ; DC. Syst. 1, 391 (1817), pro parte. P.peregrina var. genuina Lazara e Ibiza, ComP.Fl. Espait. 2, 357 (1907). P.peregrina var. paradoxa (Anders.) Gautier, Cat. Rais. Fl. Pyr.-Or. 71 (1898). P.peregrina var. villosa Huth in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 14, 270 (1891).P.peregrina f. paradoxa (Anders.) Rouy & Foucaud, F/. France, 1, 145 (1893) ; Jahandiez, Cat. PI. Vase. Var. 14 (1908).P.rosea Jaume St. Hilaire, PI. France, 4, 2, c. tab. (1809). P.Russi Biv. sec. Sweet, Brit. Flow. Gard. 2, t. 122 (1825) ; Bot. Mag. t. 3431 (1835) ; non Biv. Description. Differs from P.humilis in its tomentose carpels. Distribution. Southern France and Central Italy. france : Herault, Montpellier, Saizmann (K) ; Pie St. Loup, Girard (K), Maillard (K) ; Serane, Bollard (K). Lozere, Mende, Prost (K). Gard, near Vigan, Anthouard (K), Lombard (K), Tuezkiewicz (K) ; Cevennes, Duvan (K), sine loc. Gouan (K). Var, Perignon, Perreymond (K). Vaucluse, Avignon, Herb. Mus. Paris (K). Rhone, St. Cyr-de-Chatoux, Gandoger (K) ; Sarnions, Comez (K) ; Amas, Gandoger (K). Drome, Alpes du Dauphine, Borel (K). Basses Alpes, Peyreq near Annot, Reverchon & Derbez 258 (K) ; Annot, Reserchon (K) ; Rougon, Willmott (K). Alpes Maritimes, Mentone, Moggridge (K). italy : Abruzzi, Val Fredda, Seligman joj (K) ; Mt. Majello, 1830 metres. Groves ; Mt. Corno, Huet du Pavilion 257. Paeonia humilis var. villosa is the " Saint Loup " paeony which is so often mentioned in botanical literature. This plant grows in the same district of Montpellier as P.humilis and only differs from it in its tomentose carpels. It extends northwards as far as Villefranche, north-west of Lyons and south to the Mentone district, where it joins the more hairy form of P.officinalis. P.humilis var. villosa is also found in the centre of Italy, from the province of Florence to the province of Abruzzi ; in some of these specimens the leaflets are larger and longer than the specimens from the south of France. [end page 106] This paeony was named P.paradoxa by Anderson(1818), but as it only differs from P.humilis by the tomentose carpels and in some cases by the villous stem, it has been treated as a variety of P.humiliS) in same way as other pairs of paeonies, that differ only in this respect, have been dealt with. The earliest varietal name of this plant is P.paradoxa var. jimbriata of Sabine, but the epithet" fimbriata " must be rejected under Article 65 of the International Rules of Botanical nomenclature since this epithet was based on a monstrosity. The next earlier varietal name is" simpliciflora " of Anderson (1818), but this varietal name cannot be accepted as it is not clear that Anderson is dealing with this paeony since he describes his plant as possessing a completely glabrous stem. The next earlier name is P.peregrina var. villosa ofHuth, from which my name has been adopted. P.humilis var. villosa is a common plant in gardens and seeds itself freely. |
Cull. & Heywood (1964) |
P. officinalis L.subsp. villosa (Huth) cullen & heywood, stat.nov. Syn. P. peregrina var. villosa Huth, Engl. Bot. Jahrh. 14: 270 (1891) P.humilis var. villosa (Huth) F.C.Stern, Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. 68:129 (1943); A study of the genus Paeonia 106 (1946). ? P. villosa desf., Tabl. Ecole Bot. 126 (1804), nom. nud. |
HUMILIS VILLOSA Fleur simple, aux pétales ovales et rouges. Carpelles tomenteux. Anthères jaunes. Ses tiges mesurent de 25 à 40cm. Folioles profondément découpés Originaire du sud de la France et de 'Italie centrale |
Passalaqua & Bernardo (2004) |
in The Genus Paeonia in Italy (2004) |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |