The American Peony Society
Nomenclature 1976-186 p.9
DEMON (K 845)-Willlim H. Krekler. May 1978. Lactiflora. 29-inch, shocking dark wine-red Japanese. Bulletin #227.
DIMINUATIVE LADY-Krekler-Klehm. May 31, 1985. #71. Hybrid, single shell pink, cup ruffled and flounced petals, width 1 ¾ " and bloom width 3 ¾ ", height 16", delicately sweet fragrance, stamens and pollen. Early, clean medium green foliage. Fair stem strength. Rock Garden Series. Klehm Nursery. Bulletin #255.
DIVINE GIFT (K 858)-William H. Krekler. May 1978. Lactiflora. 34-inch. upright, dense double pink. Bulletin #227.
DOC - William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, June 1977. Seedling #575. Lactiflora, light red double, knee high. Good one. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
DO SE DO-William H. Krekler, Somerville. Ohio, May 1977. Hybrid, First bloomed before May 6. Seedling #280. Japanese hybrid pink. Petaloids edged cream. Bulletin #223.
DON RICHARDSON-William H. Krekler, Somerville. Ohio. 1975. Tall near black Jap ball. Flat, side buds have gold. 1976 check list, name only. Bulletin #219.
DOUBLE TALK (868)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Lactiflora, 36-inch, glowing near white, double. Bulletin #227.
DREAM - William H. Krekler. Somerville, Ohio, June 1977. Seedling #556. Lactiflora, white Jap with lemon ball. Good bush, cutter. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.
DUTCH DWARF, registered (this is a full description). Originator unknown. Originally came as a single plant mixed with shipment from Holland - William Krekler named this plant. A fuchsia anemone with stamens of raspberry and pale gold surroundings, celery colored carpels that are tipped with pastel pink. Fuchsia petals feather up from the center of the stamens, 2 ½ " bloom width, 1 ¼ " petal width. Height 10" early, small mounts of medium blue-green leaves. Early, height 10", good vigor, fragrant. Rock Garden Series. Klehm Nursery. Bulletin #255. = DUTCH DWARF (unknown from Holland), registered by Wm. Krekler. Disseminated by Krekler. Single, dwarf, hybrid. Wine-pink.
EARLY BEAUTY (K 768)-William H. Krekler, May 27,1978. Hybrid, 30 inches single deep red. Registered, Charles Klehm and Son. Bulletin #229.
EARLY SHOW (K 774)-William H. Krekler, May 28, 1978. Hybrid, 34 inches, single pink cutter. Registered by Charles Klehm and Son Nursery. Bulletin #229.
ELIZA LUNDY-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio, 1975. Dense small double red. Twisty dwarf officinalis. 1976 check list, name only. Bulletin #219.
ERIC (K 731)-William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio. May 1978. Hybrid, 29-inch, sturdy, huge orange red. Bulletin #227.
ERMENEGILDA MANTEGNA - Originator unknown, could be Leighton or Goldsmith. Single hybrid. Parentage unknown. Bloomed in my garden (Mantegna) 1954. Palest pink, fading to white, flat with seven petals. Prolific amount of bloom, mildly fragrant, has pollen and stamens. Sustains heavy rain, medium height. A very unusual flower. The narrow petals hold a filigree of gold stamens. Introduced and registered by Alfred Mantegna, Snohomish, Wash.
ETCHED SALMON - Lyman Cousins-Roy Klehm, June 25, 1981. Seedling #72-5; double hybrid; parentage unknown; first bloomed 1968. Salmon with some etched petaloids, double rose type, no stamens, pollen, or seeds; fragrant, average amount of bloom, good stem strength, 36-inch height EM. Salmon coral blooms with most unusual attractive, golden-etched internal petaloids, fully double blooms, reliable performer.