The American Peony Society
Nomenclature 1976-186 p.25
SHOW PIECE (K 126)-William H. Krekler, June 1978. Lasting light pink hybrid single cup. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #231.
SILVER DAUBED (William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), 1977. Seedling # 572. Generous late double pink. Upright. Registered by Roy Klehm, 1977. Bulletin #224.
SIOUX (William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio) May 1977. Bloomed before May 3. Hybrid, seedling #205. Large purple-red. Dense wide bush like Officinalis. Bulletin #223.
SIOUX CHIEF-(Ben Gilbertson, Kindred, North Dakota)-Feb. 4, 1984. Seedling # 6001. Parentage unknown. Single lactiflora, medium bright red, flat form. It has pollen, seeds, stamens, reliable and good substance-no fragrance. Stiff straight stems, 30" height, midseason bloom, bright green foliage. Of the thousands of seedlings that I have grown, this one warrants registration.
SIZZLER - (William H. Krekler, Somerville. Ohio), May 1977. Bloomed before May 3. Hybrid. Seedling #167. Single red large flowers. Tall and stringy. April bloom. Bulletin #223.
SNOWSTORM (K 847)-William H. Krekler, May 1978. Lactiflora, 29-inch drooping elegant double white. Bulletin #227.
SNOW DERBY (M 16-69)-Festiva Maxima x Alice Harding (Herb). Edward Lee Michau, Derby, Kansas. White ball, stamens, pollen and seeds. Seven buds per stem. 30" height. Vigorous plant. Many side blooms, with the terminal bloom. Strong stems. Bloomed four years from germination.
SNOW QUEEN (3-65) - Myron D. Bigger, 201 N. Rice Road, Topeka, Kansas 66616,1979. Parentage: Jayhawker x ?. Early pure white, full double with a collar of hidden stamens. Good deep green foliage on a thirty-six inch stem.
SOFT SALMON SAUCER - (Lyman Cousins-Roy Klehm), June 25, 1981. Seedling # Saucer B; single hybrid; first bloomed about 1968; parentage unknown. Soft salmon pink saucer form, stamens, pollen, fragrant, no seeds, good substance with average amount of bloom; 32-inch height, early, good foliage. A beautiful and dainty saucer-shaped early blooming hybrid. The delicate and cute blossoms are a soft, salmon-pink color and are quite becoming.
STEVE NICKELL-(William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), 1975. Large, gay light pink, single hybrid. Near white center. 1976 check list, name only. Bulletin #219.
STEVE'S CROWN-(William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), June 5, 1980. Midseason, this dense double gay wine-red lactiflora is medium in size and height. Its showy flowers have a bright wide golden center band of many hooked petaloids. Bulletin #235.
STEVE'S PRIDE - (William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), 1975. Glossy double white. Medium size, center hole. 1976 check list, name only. Bulletin #219.
STRAWBERRY RIPPLE (14-55) -Myron D. Bigger, 201 N. Rice Road, Topeka, Kansas 66616, 1979. Parentage unknown. Full double white with strawberry ripple over the entire flower. Few stamens. Thirty-six inch stem and good foliage.
SUNGLORY- William H. Krekler, Somerville, Ohio), June 1977. Seedling #544. Lactiflora, huge pale pink Jap. Cream yellow center, ball. Registered by Roy Klehm. Bulletin #223.