The American Peony Society
The History of the Peonies and their Originations p. 1
ABBE (Lewis, 1921)- Japanese - Pink - Midseason - Deep rose pink, with ruffled center; edges tinged with yellow. Mediuin height. Free Bloomer.
ABBOT (Lewis) - Japanese - Pink - Rose carmine - Midseason.
A.B.C. NICHOLLS (Nicholls, 1937) - Double - White - Late - Double, late white, with a hint of pink and a decided orange glow at the base of the petals. (Catalog) Large double white of rose shape. Barely perceptible tint of flesh gives it life. Wide petals. Strong substance. A flower of great refinement. Strong stems. Good foliage and habit. Grows well. No. 9 shown at Toronto in 1936. It is named for my father, the name going back to Capt. Andrew Barry of Marion's command, his great grandfather. --Col. J. C. Nicholls. Bulletin 71
ABEEKINS (Guppy, 1929) - Albiflora x officinalls - Double - Red - Large guard petals with center of narrow pointed petals of same color. Ruby red. Bulletin 92
A. B. FRANKLIN (Franklin, 1928) - Double - Blush white - Late - Very fragrant. A very light blush when it first opens, fading white. Very lovely flower of beautiful form that has a place with the finest peonies produced. Very large. Compact. Gold Medal --Home Achievement Medal. Bulletin 35
ABRAHAM LINCOLN (Lanigan, 1935) - Double - White - DISCARDED - Bulletin 62 - L91
ACE (Smith-Krekler, 1934) - Japanese - Red - Early - Japanese. Early. Dark Red. Parentage not known. Erect 33" plant, small flowered Japanese. Two rows of intense dark red guards. Staminodes 1-1/2 x 1/4" same color as petals, shaded white underneath and white tipped. Carpels green, tipped white. Bulletin 133.
ACHILLE (Calot, 1935) - Double - Pink - Early - DISCARDED - Shell pink fading to lilac white. Rose type. Large, medium compact bloom. Fragrance pleasant. Tall erect habit. Free bloomer. DESCRIPTION from Wild catalog, 1930; Early delicate flesh pink.
ACME (Franklin, 1931) - Double - Light Pink - Late. 36" tall. Very large rose typed, light pink. Stiff stems and good foliage. A sure and profuse bloomer. Bulletin 47.
ADAMSON (Kelway, 1907) - Doulbe - Crimson - Midseason.
ADANA (Kelway) - Light Pink - Single.
ADA PRISCILLA (Guille, 1948) - Double - White and yellow - Very early. Tall. Anemone. Large flaring white guard petals with a center of yellow petaloids, rather high built. The flower is large and the plant tall, flowering quite early. It is a good and consistent bloomer. It makes a beautiful flower and plant and is a fine addition to the list of so-called yellow peonies. Bulletin 127.
ADDIELANCHEA (Brand, 1907) - Double - White - Late mid-season. Medium height. Moderately fragrant. Pure white flowers, regularly incurved and suffused with yellow from a few petals which bear rudimentary anthers; moderately fragrant. Plant of medium height, floriferous, but stems are not strong. Bulletin 130 says it is tall with strong stems. (Pg. 29)
ADELAIDE DELACHE - Double - Pink - Rose Pink - Midseason.
ADELAIDE E. HOLLIS (Hollis, 1907) - Double - White - Midseason.
ADELINE GENEE (Kelway) - Double - Flesh - Midseason.
ADMIRAL (Franklin, 1940) - Double - White - Late—Correct name THE ADMIRAL. Listed as ADMIRAL in Bulletin 105, pg. 16.
ADMIRAL BEATTY (Kelway, 1915) - Double - Cherry-Rose - Midseason.
ADMIRAL DEWEY (Hollis, 1904) - Double - Pink - DISCARDED - Midseason.
ADMIRAL SCHLEY (Terry, 1904) - Double - Crimson - DISCARDED - Midseason.
ADMIRAL STURDEE (Kelway, 1915) - Double - Rose - Midseason.
ADMIRAL TOGO (Hollis, 1907) - Double - Crimson - DISCARDED - Midseason.
ADOLPHE ROUSSEAU (Dessert & Mechin, 1890) - Double - Red - Early - Midseason. Tall. Moderate fragrance, but disagreeable. Dark, lustrous red shaded maroon, showing yellow stamens and light red stigmas in center; odor somewhat disagreeable. Tall; floriferous; stems very strong. Foliage dark, tinged red.
ADONIS (Sass, 1930) - Double - Pink - Midseason to late - Tall. Large. Pink with yellow collar, strong stems. Formerly No. 32. (Wild catalog says Late midseason). Bulletin 43
ADORATION (Lein, 1935) - Double - Dark Red - Midseason to Late. Very tall. Brilliant dark red, double. Midseason to late. Stems and substance good, very tall. Distinct. Free bloomer. Bulletin 54.
A. E. KUNDRED (Kundred, 1951) - Double - White - Late. Mild fragrance. Very large compact creamy white of excellent proportions. It is large but refined in its form; petals even -and so full double that the flower feels like a cushion when you press on it lightly. The stems are very thick and adequate for the large flower. Opens well every year. Not subject to browning of petals. Introduced by Ernest I. Stahy, Goshen, Ind., with the above description. Listed in 1955 by Krekler.
AERIE (Bigger, 1949) - Semi-double - White - Early Midseason. Height about 30". Cup shaped, very light pink to white. Flowers stay cup shaped very well. Very good substance and medium green foliage. (Bigger's 1955 list). Almost every flower has an eagle's nest of petals built up in the center with a collar of yellow stamens surrounding it. (Wild's 1955 catalog - date 1948)