The American Peony Society
The History of the Peonies and their Originations p. 80
POLLY PRIM (Auten, 1942) - Double - White - Late. Medium height. Rose fragrance. Here is one for the specialist. Full double, of the most exquisite form and petalage, not over 5" in diameter on stiff stems. Pure white. List in Bulletin 91.
POLLY PRIM (Blacklock, 1944) - Double - Pale Pink - Late. Good size. Neat fluted petals primly arranged. (Edward Auten, Jr. used this name for a dainty white miniature in 1942.) List in Bulletin 93.
POLYHEMUS (Kelway) - Double - Pink - Midseason.
POMPADOUR (Pleas, 1913) - Double - Pink - Midseason.
POMPILIA (Earnshaw, 1920) - Double - Ivory White. Medium size. Ivory white, showing stamens. Abundant bloomer. Midseason.
POMPONETTE (Dessert, 1909) - Double - Pink - DISCARDED - Midseason.
POND LILY (Schneider, 1933) (Probably since 1933) - Single - Blush or White - Early. List in Bulletin 91.
PONEMAH (Franklin, 1920) - Double - Pink - Midseason.
PORPENTINE (Guppy, 1932) - Double - Red. Large guard petals, color of ripe, red raspberries. Narrow center petals same color as guards, tipped lighter. Bulletin 49.
PORTIA (Kelway) - Double - White - Midseason.
POSTILION (Saunders, 1941) - Semi-Double - Red - Hybrid. Enormous flowers of deep scarlet crimson. Very brilliant semi-double flat cup. Albiflora x officinalis. Lists in Bulletins 91 and 129.
POTTSI (Introduced from China, 1822) - Double - Red - DISCARDED - Midseason.
POTTSI ALBA (Buyck, 1840) - Double - Pink to White - SUPPRESSED - Midseason.
POTTSI PLENA (Calot, 1857) - Double - Red - Midseason.
PRAIRIE AFIRE (Brand, 1932) - Jap. - Pink - Midseason. Deep pink guards with brilliant red petaloids. A group of this variety when in bloom and viewed at a distance creates the impression that the name implies. Very showy. List in Bulletin 130.
PRAIRIE BELLE (Bigger, 1945) - Double - White - Early Midseason. 30 to 36" tall. A large, very nice double flower that opens cream and fades to white. The petals are not very wide and it opens well. Stems heavy enough to carry the large bloom. Bulletin 101.
PRAIRIE KING (Rosenfield, 1908) - Double - Red - Early - DISCARDED. Tall. Fragrant. Brilliant light crimson, shaded purple. Large globular flower. Strong and erect. (Wild catalog)M
PRAIRIE ROSE (Brand, 1936) - Single - Rose Pink - Early. Very large, deep rose pink. Color similar to that of Edulis Superba, which is most pleasing. Lists in Bulletins 91 & 130
PRAIRIE ROSE (Origin unknown) - Single - White - Midseason.
PRAIRIE SPLENDOR (Rosenfield, 1908) - Double - Violet-Rose - Midseason.
PRAIRIE STATE (Auten, 1943) - Semi-Double - Pink - Midseason. A very large pink, with darker tints toward the center. A sure opener on a tall rugged plant. This should be grown by those who like quality in big blooms, but who live where hot weather makes some big ones uncertain. Auten 1955 catalog. List Bulletin 91.
PRESIDENT COOLIDGE (Brand, 1928) - Double - Lavender Pink - Late. Beautiful lavender-pink, with large guard petals always opening well. Bulletin 33. Lists in Bulletins 91 & 130.
PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT (Franklin, 1933) - Double - Dark Pink - Late. Tall. Large very full rose type. Color dark pink. Vigorous stiff stems. Bulletin 53.
PRESIDENT GARFIELD (Origin unknown) - Double - Red - Midseason.
PRESIDENT LINCOLN (Brand, 1928) - Single - Red - Late Midseason. Tall. Deep red cup of very large petals. Substance of the best. making it a show flower unbeatable. Bulletin 33. Lists in Bulletins 91 and 130.
PRESIDENT POINCARE (Kelway) - Double - Red. Spice scented. Rich, pure ruby crimson. No blue. Incurved flower. M. & Bulletin 38.
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT (Warnaar, 1905) - Double - Red - Midseason. Old Wild catalog: A brilliant and striking variety, coming into bloom early midseason. Flowers very large, semi-rose type and richly fragrant. Desirable as a cut flower and a show flower. M.
PRESIDENT TAFT (Blaauw, 1909) Syn. REINE HORTENSE. Double - Pink - Late. Klehm's 1955 catalog says late. M.
PRESIDENT WILSON (Thurlow, 1918) - Double - Pink - Late. Medium height. Rich spicy fragrance. Very large. Bright rose-pink, paling with age, and a trifle darker in the deep cupped center; floriferous, strong stems. Good foliage. M.
PRESTO (Auten, 1925) - Single - Red. Large bloom. Better than average substance and keeping qualities. Foliage heavy and dark green, plant making a good effect on the lawn after blooms are gone. Bulletin 25.
PRIAM (Sass, 1930) - Double - Red - Midseason. Rather tall. A well formed deep, rich, dark red. It has proved a very popular variety and deservedly so. There is need for good reds, and this is one of them. Stem stiff and rigid. Wild's 1955 catalog. Bulletin 43.
PRIDE OF BLASDELL (Kelway, 1934) - Jap. - Dark Rose-Pink - Midseason. Dark rose-pink guard petals. Yellow tipped pink staminodes. Green seed pods, rose tipped. A variety with increasing appeal from year to year. Lists in Bulletins 91 and 109.
PRIDE OF ESSEX (Thurlow, 1916) - Double - Pink - Midseason. Tall. Strong, fresh fragrance. Large, incurved guards and a crumpled center of light rose-pink, paling to blush-white with a golden suffusion from its many stamens; central petals boldly marked with crimson; floriferous; stiff stems. Good foliage. M.
PRIDE OF HUISH (Kelway, 1928) - Single - Peach Pink. Bright peach pink. Not quite as dark in the foliage or stems but the flowers are very similar to Pride of Langport and equally free flowering. Bulletin 38.
PRIDE OF LANGPORT (Kelway, 1909) - Single - Pink - Midseason. Tall. Fragrance not notable. Very large. Wide-spreading, cupped petals of pale rose-pink, paling a little near the base, surrounding a large cluster of very bright golden yellow stamens and pale green carpels, with light pink kernels at the base and red tips. Floriferous, thin, wiry stems. Abundant foliage. M.