ADORABLE (Nicholls-Wild 1962) Double Early, Persian Rose or China Pink. Parentage, MME. CALOT X Nicholls 272. Flat bloom, golden stamens, center a splash of red. Originator- Nicholls. Bulletin #164. March 1962.
ADORN (Nicholls-Wild 1962) Double Late Midseason Medium Pink. Seedling #1142. No parentage given. Large rose type, tips of petals and petaloides are silver, shading to deep rose at base. Bulletin 164 March 1962.
AGLOW (Nicholls-Wild 1959) N. 986 L.D. White M.H. Creamy white with a breath of shell pink'over the center. Petals are rolled outward, giving appearance of a huge white rose. Bulletin No. 151. December 1958. Col. J. C. Nicholls, Ithaca, New York. Originator.
AH SO (Muryl Kostiuk Harrah, Okla. 1973) Jap. deep pink, flat, no fragrance. Parentage MARGARET ATWOOD X unknown. 32" height. Flower 5" across. Bulletin #208, December 1973.
AIRWAY (Wild 53-12) Japanese, deep rose. Center petaloids even and compact, edged and tipped with gold. Blossoms 8" across. Free blooming. 32"-37" height. Bulletin #186 Sept. 1967.
A. KREKLER (Krekler 1965) B-77. Double hybrid, glossy black red, midseason. Twisty petal makeup. Bulletin #178, September 1965.
A. J. CHOICE (Wild 1964) D.M. Red. No parentage or seedling # given. Red, large flower, well placed petals. Bulletin #172, March 1964.
AKRON (Krekler 1962) J.M.R. Big solid red Jap. Staminodes edged cream. Medium height. Bulletin #166, September 1962.
ALAN EBY (Krekler 1965) B-86 Wine red Jap. 32" bush. One and a half inch twisty cream petaloids, narrow base, fades to white. Pistil are palest green with pink tips. Bulletin #178 September 1965.
ALICE ROBERTS (Krekler 1965) B-17 Silvery pink Jap, many buds. Flowers clear and delicate, petaloids have thread like lemon base, central ones have tops curved in a U shape, open to pale-lavender-pink fades near white. Bulletin #178 September 1965.
ALICE WILLIAMS (Nicholls-Wild 1958) N. 938. D.L. Pink. Large orchid pink petals, faint silvered edge. Slightly flat and cup shaped flower. Occasionally red markings in center. Originator Col. J. C. Nicholls. Bulletin #157 December 1957.
ALLEN LEWIS (Krekler 1975) Single hybrid. Early pink.
ALLINE ROGERS (Nicholls-Wild 1959) N. 1120 E.M.D. Pink. Rose type, salmon pink. Several splashes of red on the edges of petals and near center. Names for wife of Guy Rogers, Wichita Falls, Texas. Rated A by Col. J. C. Nicholls, originator. Bulletin #151 December 1958.
ALPINE AIRE (Eldren W. Minks 1974) FMS 71. Double. Sport of FESTIVA MAXIMA . Alpine white, semi-ball, frilling and lacing of the petals extremities, sun glitter. Bulletin #213 March 1975.
AMALIA OLSON (Olson 1959) D. LM. W. No seedling #. Pure white, double, medium to large flower. Petals overlap, symmetrically arranged in a slightly dome shaped flower. Slight red markings on reverse of guard petals. Awarded the Home Achievement Medal, National show in North Dakota 1959. Names for Mr. Olson's mother. Bulletin #154 September 1959.
ANGEL'S DREAM (Wild 1964) Seedling # W 1002. No parentage given. D. EM White. Fragrant. Flakes of green interspersed throughout this large white flower. 7 ½ " across and 5 ½ " in depth. The form is that of Mons. Jules Elie alth not so compact. Bulletin #172 March 1964.
ANN BERRY COUSINS - Soft pink bomb shaped inner glow hybrid. Origin questionable altho it may be Saunders quadruple hybrid X Little Dorrit. A Lyman Cousins work of art from London, Ontario, Canada. Bulletin #204 December 1972.
ANNA BEE - Late, light red Jap. No. 66-B81. Outer side of narrow petaloids are cream-yellow and inner sides same color as petals, cream edges. Registered by William Krekler, Somerville, Ohio. Bulletin #182 September 1966.
ANNE HARGROVE (Nicholls-Wild 1959) N. 317 E.D. Pink T. China pink, occasional markings. MME. CALOT X Nicholls No 272. Col. J. C. Nicholls, originator. Bulletin #151 December 1958.
ANN GOEMANS (Krekler 1965) Late big silvery pink double. Names for a delightful Dutch lady. Bulletin #178 March 1965.
ANNA MARY (Krekler 1965) R-15. Clean pale lemon double that fades to near-white. 33" height. Bulletin #178 September 1965. No pistils or stamens.
ANN ZAHLLER (Mains 1965) S-D Ve.R. Seedling No. not given (Officinalis X Albiflora). Light red fading to near pink. Flowers medium, semi-double, with four or five rows of petals, cushion of yellow stamens. Bulletin #142 September 1956.
APACHE (Myron D. Bigger Topeka, Kansas. (4-60) Parentage unknown. Believed to be an albiflora lobata hybrid. Hybridized by Harold E. Wolfe. Grown and introduced by M. D. Bigger. Bright red hybrid single, late, three feet tall. Bulletin #181 June 1966.
APPANOOSE (Willis J. Smith 1972, Ottumwa, Iowa) (A39) Early bomb red, slight fragrance. Awarded Honorable Mention at Van Wert National Show 1960. Seedling of RICHARD CARVEL . Bulletin #201 March 1972.
ARROW MAKER (Auten 2745) Parentage Auten. Early, single hybrid. 25" tall, 4-5" flower. Deep crimson, not too heavy a bloomer. Smaller and darker than 2776, named Red Romance. Registered by Gilbert H. Wild & Son, Inc. Bulletin #190 September 1968.
ASHIE (Krekler 1965) B-16. Large, late silvered soft pink double. 33" stems weak for large bloom. No pistils or stamens. A great peony. Bulletin #178 September 1965.
ATLAS (6606) Parentage-Seedling 5908 x - Ben Gilbertson, Kindred N.D. 1975. Dark red double, semiball. First bloomed 1971. Very sturdy plant, stands straight, carries a heavy load of large unfading bloom on very stiff and strong stems. Three buds to a stem, pollen and sets some seeds. Reliable, the red never shows magenta. A vigorous plant, with dense foliage that glistens in the light. 30" in height. Bulletin #216.
ATTIE (Krekler 1965) B-88. Very late silvered light pink double of good substance, above average size. 34" stems, arch nicely. No apparent pistils or stamens. Bulletin #178 Sept.1965